Interests huh ? interest in anything that can make me feel happy ..not bored...haha...i like to play ppl to make stupid jokes..disturb ppl so i wont get bored to waste my itme wif chatting ...erm like hang out wif my crazy friends... aha ...that it ! dont have ideas to write this ..aha next time i'll update it ..k
i'd like to meet anyone ...from anywhere ...people that have good sense of humour and great attitude...ahaha...cut the crap ! i just wanna meet anyone who want to be my friends in my space..ahaha...Ok !
THis is THe ParT ThaT i Like..i like SiMPLe Plan ..the totally rox..their music can make me relax..haha...i also like Linkinpark !.GreendaY ! 3doors down ! The HooBasTanK ! incubus ! bush ! ...erm..silver chair..usher !..YellowCarD ..sum41..blink182..and many more !
HaRRY POTTer ! TaxI ! ResidenT eViL ! KungFu HusLe..GansTeR..TRoY..KinG arTHur ..herm ! anything !.
Books..haha this part..anybooks wif lots of pictures..ahhaa
Kobe BrYaNT ! vince CaRTer ! becKHaM !...Tom Cruise ! lots more