RoughstringRider profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Okay, while I frequently find myself thinking "I'm too old for this crap", I STILL end up doing said crap. Which means 1) I'm really NOT too old for this crap, or 2) I'm not smart enough to quit while I'm behind. I'll take what's behind curtain number one, Monty....So, In my fairly uneventful life, I've tended bar, driven a cab, bossed a few people around, chased a few cows, and rode a few bucking horses at the occasional rodeo. Pretty standard stuff. Oh, and the time we set the curtains on fire at the motel in Castle Rock Colorado? "No party is a good party until there's a few casualties". If you want know how to: make a perfect Manhattan, make a hurricane that will nail you to the wall, preg check a cow, use a riding crop on a horse, use a riding crop on a willing girl, discuss the meaning of life, OR find out which came first, the chicken or the egg..... then I'm yer guy. IF, however, you want to preach to me about anything and everything including but not limited to: Atheism, Mormonism, Islam, Christianity, Paganism, Monotheism, Polytheism, Veganism, Animal rightsism, or about any other ism you come up with, I shall in all likelihood scorn you, ridicule you, and in general, have great fun at your expense. I'm a sick twisted little monkey, who enjoys paddling a girl's rear end, while reciting the wisdom of Theodore Roosevelt, Emerson, and Mark Twain. I read Western Horseman for the latest in Equine Immunology news, and also for tips on how to tie up willing young ladies. I am probably like nobody you've ever met, and I can about promise that upon meeting me, you will be grateful I'm the only me there is. Now.... you REAL sure you wanna get to know me better?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Friends, neighbors, and a pair of twin midget contortionists from Outer Mongolia, with a Cowboy fetish....

My Blog

On Baseball...

I was raised to fall in love with baseball. It runs in the family, Dad grew up in east Texas in the 40's and 50's, as a St. Louis Cardinals fan- he would tell me how, as a kid, he'd listen to the game...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 17:28:00 GMT

If I'd known Father's Day was this much fun....

I'd have screwed up and gotten a girlfriend pregnant earlier than I did! 5 years ago, this past Sunday, I did the deed with my (then) girlfriend (Later to be my wife, and later still, my ex wife),&nbs...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 00:20:00 GMT

Oh, to be young and narcissistic!

Well, this is the first time I've ever done a blog, and quite simply, the idea that people are interested enough in my life , to want to read this, astounds me.  Seems like the height of vanity, ...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 16:19:00 GMT