Khonethai profile picture


Luvs to have fun ...... (^-~)

About Me

*****************DOes yOuR NaMe BegiN wiTh: K *****************You aRe sEcRETivE, sElF-ConTaiNEd, aNd sHy. You aRe veRy SeXy, SeNsuaL, aNd PaSSioNaTe, BuT yOu dO NoT LeT oN To ThiS. OnLy iN iNTiMaTe pRivAcy wiLL ThiS paRT oF yOuR NaTuRe ReVeaL iTseLF. WheN iT geTs DowN To ThE NiTTy-gRiTTy, yOu aRe aN eXPeRT. YOu kNow aLL ThE LiTTLe tRicks oF tHe tRadE, cAn pLay aNy RoLe oR aNy gAmE, aNd tAkE yOuR LoVe LiFe veRy SeRiousLy. You doN'T FooL aRouNd. You HavE tHe paTieNce To wAiT FoR tHe RighT pERsoN To CoMe ALoNg. You aRe veRy geNeRouS & giViNg, oFTeN seLfLess. You aRe kiNd-naTuRed & swEEt, wHich iS FouNd To bE aTTRacTivE by maNy. You aRe a gOOd FRieNd.tHe MoNTh yOU WeRe BoRn iN cAnn DeScRiBe yOu.....******************************NoVeMbBeR************* *********yOu HaVe a LoT oF iDeAs. DiFFiCuLt tO faThoM. ThiNkS FoRwaRd. UniQuE aNd bRiLLiaNt. ExTRaoRdiNaRy iDeAs. ShaRp thiNkNng. FiRe aNd sTRoNg cLaiRvOyNncE. CaN bEcoMe gOOd docToRs. DyNaMic iN peRsoNaLiTy. SeCReTive. InQuiSiTiVe. KnoWs hOw tO diG seCReTs. ALwAyS ThiNkiNg. Less TaLkATiVe bUt AmiABLe. BRavE aNd geNeRouS. PaTieNT. STuBBoRN aNd haRD- HeaRTeD. If tHeRe is a wiLL, tHeRe is a wAy. DeTeRmiNed. NeVeR giVe uP. HaRdLy beCoMes aNgRy uNLeSS pRoVokeD. LoVeS to bE aLoNe. THiNks diFFeReNTLy fRom oTheRs. ShaRp-miNDeD. MoTiVaTes oNesELf. DOes nOt aPPReciATes pRaiSes. HiGh- sPiRiTed. WeLL-BuiLT and tOuGh. Deep LoVe aNd eMoTioNs. RoMaNTic. UnceRTaiN in ReLaTioNshPps. HOmeLy. HaRdwoRkiNg. HiGh aBiLiTies. tRusTwoRThy. HoNeSt aNd KeePs seCReTs. NoT abLe To coNTRoL eMoTioNs. UnPReDicTabLe.********************SCoRpiO (OcT 23 - NovR 21)****************~~~~dO'S~~~~SCoRpiO's aRe FuLL oF paSSioN aNd ZesT fOr LiFe. ThEy hAvE tReMeNdOus dRiVe ThAT cAn iNvoLvE yOu tOO. TuNe iN to tHeiR wAVeLeNgTh aNd yOu cAn eNjOy tHe haRmoNy aNd mUSiC oF LiFe WiTh tHeM. SCoRpiO's aRe LOyaL aNd NeVeR FoRgeT a kiNd DeeD DoNe By yOu. IF yOu WaNt To eNjOy LiFe WiTh yOuR SCoRpiO LoVeR, sHaRe tHeiR paSSioN aNd iNTeNsiTy.

My Interests

I LuV tO sPeNd TiMe WitH ThE pEOpLE wHo i LoVe aND WiTH pEPpLE WhO mAkEs Me hAppY..... thE mAn iN My LiFe: MArCO. mY fAMiLy .......EsPECiaLLy My LiTTLe NeWpHeW jAydiN, AnD My biG pUppY RiCkSoN. .Marco & I recently got engaged on July 21, 2006. I'm so happy when I'm with him and I'm glad I am spending the rest of the life with him.

I'd like to meet:

@~~~~@~~~~@~~~~@~~~@~~~@~~~@~~~@~~~@~~~@~~~@~~~@~~~I've met the man of my dreams. Marco has always been there for me when I needed him. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have him in my life. Being with him makes me Happy. I luv you Babe. I wouldn't mind meeting new & fun new friends. There's nothing wrong with have a lot of friends around to make you laugh & smile when your down. I also want to say thank you to my friends and family who have been there for me and you guys have been a great friend. Hugz & Kisses.(^.~) @~~~~ @~~~~ @~~~~ @~~~~


I like all kinds of music, but mostly R&B, Freestyle, and Pop.


Happy Birthday Marie.


Khonethai's 27th Birthday @ Broadway Prime


Khonethai & Marco's Engagement party July 21, 2007