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I am here for Friends

About Me

Who knows me, knows that I am a metropolitan human being. I almost like everyone, who is equal. No matter, whether somebody is intelligent or stupid, it's only important that the attitude fits.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet bush to pull the fuckin txxxxx... Ups, will they lock me up now!? I can also tell you whom I don´t want to meet. I hate people who are giving me stress. The life already gives enough stress, why should one still instigate additional unrest.I hate people,who teach their children the catch-game "who, fears of the black man". I hate the whole people, that check on my small son,not because he is sweet but because he is a boy of color. I am quite conscious, that the good do not always win,but one day, we will come before God and must be responsible for for all disgrace-actions in our lifes and then,the good become victories.


RnB, HipHop, PunkRock, Latin / When I am at home I like most of all to listen to RnB, because according to my opinion, there is not any more honest music than RnB....
