L.O.R.A profile picture


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About Me

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Well....My name is Lora,and I am 29.Born under the sign of Leo:Aug.7/77 in Winnipeg,MB.Mom is from Germany,dad is from Ontario.Two half sisters,younger.

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I am a mom to a beautiful girl who is 16 months.She is an Elmo addict.I on the other hand,am getting pretty tired of Elmo's voice.She also watches Big comfy Couch,Dora The explorer and she's a wheel watcher.She just loves Wheel of fortune!LOL!I am caring,compassionate,funny,outgoing,spontaneous and I try to stay positive.I have a bf,we have been together almost 7 years.Maybe one day he'll pop the question..??I go to school,and my girl goes to daycare!! I love my school and cannot wait to get a career-for my baby!!I am in step 1 of creating my self again,after having a baby.I know I can do ANYTHING!!!My top career choices: Skin care expert for say a spa or something,becoming a teacher,or working in the culinary field.Gotta chooooooose!!And that sucks!!
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I love the summer and cannot wait for all the fun to start.
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Festivals,carnivals,and all the yummy bbq food.
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My baby will be experiencing almost all her firsts so its really exciting!! She went on a few rides at a carnival,to the MB Children's museum and more things to come!

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I love to listen to music:Lately I have just been listening to the radio.I need some new cd's.

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I watch movies,and love to shop when money is good.Favorite stores:Jacob,Jacob Conexxion,Mexx,Bluenotes,Sears,The Bay,Bootlegger-only if I have alot of extra money.Which is rare.LOL!I mostly just shop at Zellers,Walmart,Odd lots and sometimes I will say I shop at Value Village or other vintage stores,like Ruby Slipper!I love shoes from Sterling!

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Gotta learn to do more saving though : (

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Everythings just so tempting!!
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My Interests

Eating (I love wings,ribs,skewers,salads,pastry,burgers,anything meat like except the pastries!!), cooking(I can cook anything!!) ,photography (mostly nature or my baby) ,music (Its in my soul!) ,dancing (Oh yea!!),computer,tv, shopping,list making,entrepreneurer endevours,going for walks,spa services,parties,camping,bon fires,ebay and more.......

I'd like to meet:

If I could meet famous someones:I would pick Gwen Stefani,Madonna,Nelly Furtado,Angelina Jolie

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,Drew Barrymore

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and well just anyone would be cool.I have met a couple famous people already though,like Shaggy,David Usher,Joe from New kids on the block,Candace Cameron,Kevin Bacon and thats all,and was a long time ago.Through various things.I would love to see who my relatives were though too!!Of course I want to meet our maker too!!


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Glow Images @ Bopmyspace.com I love Techno,Hip hop,Rock,Pop,and some old school.
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These are a few movies I like:I do love all kinds of movies except:Westerns,Most British/English,and I absolutely dislike Star Trek and Star wars!!Yuck. I would say I love the odd movies,ones that make you feel all creepy for days.I love the scene in Ghost Ship for example.It was nuts!!I love the movie Frailty,it was so interesting.The day after tomorrow is great too!!Anything about the end of the world,is awesome!!I especially love these actors/actresses.Johnny Depp,Tom Cruise,Wil Farrell,Jack Black,Brad Pitt,Ryan Phillipe,Tom Welling,John Travolta,Mel Gibson,Bruce Willis,and there are more but I am drawing a blank.As for actresses,I love Angelina Jolie,Uma Therman,Charlize Theron,Scarlet Johannson,Halle Berry,Drew Barrymore,and more...I love a good laugh,love a great scare,and once in awhile a good cry.But please.....no long ass stupid flicks!


I watch too much MTV lately!! I love food network too! Comedy sitcoms like King of Queens is hilarious.


The BIBLE,Left behind-a story about Earths last days,Misery,Cookbooks of all kinds,and magazines.


JESUS,Parents,family,friends,people with manners and values.

My Blog

I'll be moving June 23rd!!

Hi! All...Might be unavailable to chat for the next few weeks.I found a new place in St.James and very excited!!I am moving on June 23rd!So,if you don't hear from me thats why!!
Posted by L.O.R.A on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 07:56:00 PST

Hi there!!

WOOOO HOOOOOO!!! Get to go boogie it up this Saturday,in the exchange district!! Somewhere.... I know where-but shhhhhhh its a secret!! So,I cannot wait to just relax and not worry about crappity crap...
Posted by L.O.R.A on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 10:23:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

So,my baby girl looks like Madonna,when Madonna was young!!AWESOME!!!...
Posted by L.O.R.A on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 12:16:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by L.O.R.A on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 12:12:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Hmmmm.....Kalista Flockhart,Alyssa Milano maybe??...
Posted by L.O.R.A on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 12:07:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

eeeeeeeeeew!I don't want to look like Zsa Zsa or Sharon!Geeez...Angelina Jolie?Hmmm...I dunno.Perhaps....
Posted by L.O.R.A on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 11:55:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by L.O.R.A on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 11:49:00 PST

So... I sold more than $1000 in AVON-1st time!!

I am quite the lil' sales person.Made over $1000 in sales this campaign for AVON.Funny stuff,did not expect that!People are crazy excited about the hot chick in the building selling some make-up to th...
Posted by L.O.R.A on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:11:00 PST

Funny social style horoscopes

AlcoholoroscopesCAPRICORN   (Dec 22 - Jan 19)Drinking style: Capricorn is usually described as practical,steadfast,money-hungry and status-thirsty -- no wonder they get left off theastrologi...
Posted by L.O.R.A on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:03:00 PST

Whats this world coming to?

"The womb is a dark and dangerous place,a hazardous environment," wrote the late Joseph Fletcher, professor of medical ethics at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. These words have haunte...
Posted by L.O.R.A on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 11:46:00 PST