movies, outdoor activities, web surfing, writing, talking crap, discussing politiks(the coldplay song)
I'd like to meet girls who like guys who play games...I don't necessarily want to get with these girls its just I only see girls profiles that say "I hate guys who play games" which must mean that there are girls out there that want just the opposite. Girls, if your out there, holla at me, cause I love to play games. I gots it all boo, I gots Connect Four, Yatzee, Jenga, Hungry Hungry Hippo, Mouse Trap, whateva you want. And ladies, I even got a limited edition Star Wars Monopoly, STILL IN THE WRAPPING!!! so holla at kid why don't ya (Well played Bobi, now all thats left is to let the friend requests pour in....anytime now...only a matter of seconds...mere seconds...)
Keane,Coldplay,Aventura,Athlete,Mana,Gorillaz, Julio Iglesias, M83, Mc Chris
Anchorman(almost anything w/ Will Ferrell), Wedding Crashers, Terminator 2, Casablanca, Fellini movies, Woody Allen Movies, Hitchcock movies, Film Noir
Lost, Simpsons, Family Guy, It's Always Sunny in Philly, The Office(BBC version), The Mighty Boosh, Monty Python, Mets games.
Double Trouble, Best of McSweeney's, Sherlock Holmes, 3 different books on the NY Mets, Time's Arrow, Wicked, Shroud of Thwacker
Conan O'Brien (he's worked everywhere I've always wanted to)