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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello, and welcome to my not-so-frequent update on life. Dayv and I are living in Olympia, Washington and enjoying everything but the rain. We just bought a house and spend most of our days at home working on it. Ahh, the joys of home ownership. Any of you who've owned a house know the feeling. When we're not working on the house, we tend to be out of town. I don't know how many people have actually visited Oly, but there is not much to do here - especially if your not a beer drinker or fish eater. Dayv loves both so I guess it's just me that likes to get out of town :) We take a lot of trips to Boise to visit family and friends. We also head south to Portland on a regular basis. Portland is a fantastic city, you can't beat Powell's Bookstore or Everyday Music. Good times.

My Blog

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