yOu + Me It = Better Math profile picture

yOu + Me It = Better Math

They say if you love something, you've got to let it go.And if it comes back, then it means so much

About Me

What It Be Like -My SpAce- My Name is VaNeSsA and iMa laId baCk peRson inTill yOu GEt it Fu*ked Up..It'S eaSy 4 me 2 dRoP PeOplE.My MaIn tHing Is Keep It Real regardLess of The SituAtion..I MosTly chIll DoLo...CUz i doNt TrUst No1.I hAd 2 LeaRn wHo My TrUe FriEnds aRe thE HaRd WaY .. i kNo 4 a fAct thAt iM In LoVe . .I lOve yOu BreTt . yOu meAn tHe woRld tOo mE. I Get Money .But beSidez thAt, I wAs bOrn aNd raSied in tHa "2o3" . Wack Ass MerIdeN.But i recently mOved tOo lOng IslaNd Ny "631" ..NeEded a chaNge Of scEneRy.I am Glad to say that I just graduated from Platt High school.Big ups to my peOple You kno who you are Class Of 'o6' :) ..I will be attending Suffolk this following JanUary.You aLready kNo your girl diffently has a good head on her shoulders.Cant afford to be know dumb broad. Neways I gOtta gIve shOuts ToO My Mother Love You sO MuCh tHanks fOr trustin me enOugh to LeaVe.. Manny my Little BrO i Love yOu so MucH.. Laz,Daddy,Vel Love yOu gUys 2.Big Shouts to ShaUnda & Cameron My best friend and my lovely baby girl i miss the shit outta u 2..Lastly Tamika,Olga,Lynette We Always find a way to have fun... Amanda as we got older we split apart and we may not understand each other that much, but regardless Blood is Thicker Than Water No matter what your my cousin/ best friend..I want u to kno ima always be here for u nO matter what Love You! .. Aimee,Tina,Piano,Alyssa Miss You All EveryOne Else DoNt woRry I didnt 4get yOu.. Mwa
[bbzSpace Dancing Lines]

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

They say you never know what you have till you lose it You promise your man something you better do it You can’t tell a man you love him are you stupid Words don’t express you love you got to prove it Back then our relationship was the truest Grown shit slow dance to Joe music As the time went on I become foolish Now your gone everything ruined I know your friends are in your ear But baby come back and I never let you down so later for that I told you I was gonna make it I was the savior of rap And I work hard you don’t got to cater to me Lay back and relax You don’t even got to accept my apology But I’m woman enough to admit it acknowledge me
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My Hero Is My Mother...If It Wasnt 4 Her I Wouldnt Be The Person I Am 2day...