Jesse D profile picture

Jesse D

She was a black-haired beauty with big dark eyes and points all her own set way up high. Way up firm

About Me

Finger blasting, Petron! Fucking rage!....Most importantly I dont have HPV like gabe, ha sike. Michael Jordan plays ball, charles manson kills people, I give girls skittles and tell them its birth control, everyone has a talent.Assholes are like Opinions, everyones got one . PimpMySpace

My Interests

Can you say preggers?...Shining Brittney spears head with turtle wax,starting a revolution, zombies, crank calling chinese food resaurnts,movies,music you know the usuall...HiPhOp BeAt BoXiNg aNd DaNce DaNce ReVoLuTiOn...SiKe Pimp MySpace

I'd like to meet:

Radio Raheem, Bobby Brown, because id beat his ass for his chump change..HaRrY PoTtEr.... ThAt kId Is fUcKiN CrAzY.... bOb bArKeR...BeCaUse i ThInK HeS a rObOt... and pReSiDeNt BuSh...sO i DoNt SeEm as StUpiD...mickey rourke, before his face got all busted. mike tyson would be cool, jessica simpson dad, so i can ask him what shes like in bed and last but not least chuck norris and steven sigals love child. Bust a Move


ShImMy ShImMy yAlL ShImMy ShImMy YeAh..GivE mE ThE mIc So I cAn tAkE iT AwAy....wHo ArE yOu tO wAvE yOuR FiNgEr YoU MuSt oF bEeN OuT YouR hEaD. I hOlD DEeP iN mUdDy WaTeR YoU PrACtEcLy RaIsE ThE DeAd.... Pimped My MySpace


Super bad,Bring out your dead,clock work orange,children of men,Monster squade, west west yall...I hAvE 6 LiTtLe fRiEnDs...AnD tHeY AlL cAn RuN FaStEr ThEn YoU cAn...ScRatCh A LiE fInD a ThEiF. Im Uh DaPpeR dAn MaN. I wAnT To eAt A DoLpHiN. ThIs iS ThE StOrY oF RiGhT HaNd LeFt HaNd....Whats up vanilla face.. Pimped By


South park, scrubs, Human weapon, NFL, entourage, Anything that has crackheads and herpes commercials Pimped My MySpace


1 FiSh 2 fIsH...ReD FiSh BlUe Fish.."Love is shown in your deeds, not in your words." - Jerome Cummings. "The truth of a thing is the feel of it, not the think of it." - Stanley Kubrick. "Every damn thing is your own fault, if you're any good." - Ernest Hemingway. "Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one." - Malcolm S. Forbes. "If my husband ever met a woman on the street who looked like one of his paintings he would faint." - Jacqueline Roque (wife of Pablo Picasso). "Unless you love someone, nothing else makes any sense." - Edward E. Cummings. "You never know what's hit you. A gunshot is the perfect way." - John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Click here for your own Myspace Tweaks


Fred Savage, Garys pink shirt, Gabes baseball caps, Jimmy Johnson, OJ simpson, peewee, john travolta, pete rose, ThE OdB... rUb ThE HuBb BuB.... Pimped My MySpace Pimped By href=" " Image Pimped@MySpace