Evil Lucy profile picture

Evil Lucy

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

When I die- people are going to go to my funeral, and poke my body w/ sticks just to make sure I am really dead, and no longer a threat to humanity- BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA!- I was born in Colombia- South America *land of coffee and cocaine* brought up in Jackson Heights, Queens, New York, and relocated to San Diego California on July of 2007- I have traveled a lot in my short little life- I have seen and experienced things that people twice my age have never seen- I am a very intense person- I can be your best friend or your worse nightmare- I love everything- I'm a real "Jill" of all trades- I love to listen to music, (from Janis Joplin to fucked up Norwegian Black Metal) play my guitar, read books on the Occult, Serial Killers, and anything gruesome- I used to be in the filth core band Vulgaras, and an all girl Slayer cover band Slaywhore, I am working on some solo projects as well as my 1st book about my experiences as a Rockstar, and other seedy details of my life
The Evil Lucy Show On September 11, 2008, I started my own online show appropriately entitled: "The Evil Lucy Show", which will feature yours truly with old video footage of my performances *guitar and fire eating*, and other things you won't want to miss, here's the first episode
1st episode of "The Evil Lucy Show"- This episode is my fire eating debut a couple of years ago- WARNING! I am a trained professional, I have been doing this for years- DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME, don't even go to a neighbor's house!-Safety precautions were taken...well not really, I still managed to set my arm on fire, watch the video and see what I'm talking about
I have this huge fetish and knowledge of Serial Killers- My favorite Serial Killers are: Countess Elizabeth Bathory, Aileen Wuornos, Richard "Night Stalker" Ramirez, and so many others---My other fetishes include: Strippers, loud music, metal, occult arts, Satanism, and things that are WRONG in the World, and hardcore violence- I DON'T ADVOCATE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN OR PEOPLE WHO DON'T DESERVE IT- I just advocate violence in a way like- If someone hurt you or someone you love- you get JUSTICE and not the United State's version of Justice which is a light slap on the wrist- I am talking good ol' fashioned I am going to skull fuck you for hurting me or my loved ones- Beware of me, as I said- I can be your friend or your enemy-and believe me- you want me as an Allie----TRUST ME!!!
I'm also a huge Glasgow Celtic fan- I love the Glasgow Celtic! Love to watch 'em, and watch them play REAL FOOTBALL, and love to sing their songs.......COME ON HOOPS!!!!!
I am a fire eater (anyone need a fire eater?), amateur sword/dagger swallower, web-designer, former stunt woman, cartoonist, artist, B Movie Actress, Serial Killer afficionado, Dominatrix, stand up comediene, aspiring Burlesque performer, Sex Worker Advocate, Texas Hold 'Em Poker player, a Philosopher of sorts and a very dedicated Satanist
So to paraphrase- I'm a Satanic, sword swallowing, fire eating, geetar playing, joke telling, girl kissing, poker playing, Glasgow Celtic (Soccer) fan- Are you ready for the Evil One?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Tura Satana! Looooooooooooooove her, can't say anything else than that- She's awesome, she's responded to my idiotic fan letters twice- So you know she rules if she can deal with my fan girl ness- ROCK ON FOR TURA!!

Elvira THE MISTRESS OF THE DARK! (I met her and she's rad!!!) I've loved Elvira since I was a little kid, and can you really blame me?, she put the "boob" back into Boob Tube!- HOOORAY for Elvira!

Jennifer Tilly! - I think she is the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my entire life- I have the biggest crush on her- I knew I liked girls when I was 16 years old- I went to see: "Bride of Chucky" with my boyfriend, and was really going to myself in the dark: "You think she's pretty- that's normal- but...there's more...."

I'd also love to play Soccer w/ Henrik Laarson, and Shunshe Nakumura (Glasgow Celtic), what I wouldn't do to shoot a few goal shots at Celtic Park aka: Paradise!!!

My Blog

The Evil Lucy Show- Episode 14: Out Sick

I haven't done or said anything in a long time, I made this video last week and finally uploaded it todayhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEV2Cw-Nq9M
Posted by on Sun, 21 Jun 2009 13:07:00 GMT

Books- An Old Influence

I love to readI can blow a lot of money on books, and I don't care. I will feel guilty if I blow my cash on stupid stuff like stuff for my computer, make up, clothes, but never books. I take very good...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Jun 2009 22:54:00 GMT

Public Service Announcement

As some of you know, I have been sick for quite some time. I have been dealing with diabetes, and other nastiness. I just moved to my new home, and everyday I feel healthier, happier, and full of life...
Posted by on Sun, 03 May 2009 18:30:00 GMT

Some pictures of the new apartment

Stella's altar in the living roomMy Marshall Amp, Jack the Skull, and my geetar Anton (living room)Leopard covered futon (living room)Snakes Cages and small bookcase with DVDs (living room)My favourit...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 14:45:00 GMT

1st Documentary in a series: Why We're Into Serial Killers

As some of you know, I started making my own Documentary on why people are interested in Serial KillersMy goal is to get the average person talking, unlike any other Documentary that you may see on A&...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Apr 2009 20:32:00 GMT

The Evil Lucy Show- Episode 13- More Moving Out Meanderings

Originally shot on 4/20 (haha)My wife and I finally got the keys to our new place, and I am just showing off cause I'm happyI'm exhausted and we're still moving stuff, so more footage later on this we...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Apr 2009 22:53:00 GMT

Re-Upload: The Evil Lucy Show- Episode 12: Moving Out Meanderings

(I posted this video and then I had to delete it), but this video has me talking about living in California for the last 2 years, and how I feel about it. There is also footage of my wife, acting like...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Apr 2009 20:31:00 GMT

Moving Out- Video

As a lot of you know, my wife Stella and I will be moving out, and getting our own place in the next 2 weeks, maybe soonerSo I shot a video of where I have lived *and continue to live* in San Diego Ca...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Apr 2009 15:39:00 GMT

New Project

I, Evil Lucy decided to delve into the world of documentary film making. I am a huge fan of True Crime Documentaries on ID, A&E and the History Channel, but always saw their sources as too professiona...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 00:07:00 GMT


On Thursday night I ate some Chinese food, and it didn't sit well with me at all- I was like: "Oh gotta puke now", and I did, and then after that I started to cough, and wheeze and feel short of breat...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 21:52:00 GMT