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Be the Change That You Want to See in the World

About Me

My life has been a series of events that have led to a tipping point of fulfillment and happiness in my wife and two children. My wife and I are natives of Detroit (West side and East side) who currently reside in Houston. I consider myself to be a spiritual catalyst meaning that my role in life is to galvanize ordinary people to live extra-ordinary lives through and in Christ. My daily life consists of doing what I love to do as the Administrative Architect of The Awakenings Movement (www.awakeningsmovement.com), adding pastoral guidance and acquired knowledge to develop the financial planning, human resources, and asset management for our community. The hybrid of my life in Detroit, love for hip-hop culture, Bachelor's in Finance from Wilberforce University, and Master's of Divinity from Southern Methodist University, I have to believe were blended together perfectly by the Divine Architect of all Creation to play my part in the Plan.--

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