About Me
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'Have you ever looked in the mirror, and seen someone you once knew.'
hey i'm rosanna - marie, and i'm rather complex, I'm like one of those huge 3d puzzles that takes you forever to work out, but if you keep working at it, you're always rather suprised at the outcome.
i've always dreamt of meeting my prince charming, the boy who holds the other half of my heart - but i don't look for him anymore, perhaps he'll come to me.
i work an awful lot, so i'm always rather tired - and i miss everyone from wigan and leigh, all the days and nights where we just chilled and partied; i now realise, they were the days to live for.
now, i'm in the real world, and i have to work bloody hard to have many more of those days.
Best friends, £££!, joe jonas, tattoos, piercings, the chester hangman, reload!, MAC makeup, shopping, lovely hair, Music, art, fashion, musicals, anchors and swallows, newww clothes, roses, boys, Friday nights, old photographs, memoriess, fancy dress, dancing, wispas, liquid eyeliner, holding hands, cuddling, kisses on the forehead, dreaming, old songs, drunken text messages, sweet text messages, cups of tea, big hair, Acoustic music, movies, sexyness, silly moments, partys, lazy days, mint times out and about, spending money, ben and jerrys icecream, cheap wine, southern comfort and lemonade, apple sourzz, love, honesty, literature, underwear, chester, wishing on stars, my mummy and little sister.