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About Me

Make a slideshow - it's easy! ..table..Have been doing frequent opening acts at the Blues Station in Columbus OH - for Debbie Davies, Sean Costello, Tab Benoit, Holmes Brothers, Anthony Gomes,Kenny Nealand Smokin Joe Kubek. Also was a guest of the Columbus Blues Alliance playing at their Gahanna Blues & Jazz Festival just outside Columbus. I also do hand drawn portraits using a method where I do not look at the drawing pad when drawing! Check out my website at Lastly would just like to say I miss my warm friends at the Blues Station which closed abruptly at the beginning of 2007 - a major interruption of the Blues Process!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Face to face y mano a mano -he who would steal my identity and put ideas lacking my integrity out to all who know me and trust me. Hey, what others think about ME is none of my business - but what others think about SOMEBODY ELSE POSING AS ME - is all about and of necessity my business! So step into the lght, sunshine and be brave enough to bask in da truth - I'll respect you more - and even fully -when we can fully trust one another - PEACE!

My Blog

Edgar Winter: Frankenstein
Posted by on Sun, 12 Apr 2009 20:09:00 GMT

Capture of Karadzic Is a Step Closer To Psychiatry ’s Accontability As A Whole

Karadzic's Arrest Brings to Light Psychiatry's History of Ethnic Cleansing The psychiatric watchdog, Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), says the capture of former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan ...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 18:29:00 GMT