<ChRiSsY>&trade; profile picture


Laugh as much as you breath, and love as long as you live.

About Me

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♥Sooo...My name is Chrissy and im 17..im a junior at Round Mountain High School. I just recently moved back here from Meridian Idaho. I am currently living with my best friend Jen. Its pretty cool. Even though we have to put up with Ryan (Jens Fiancee) lol and the fact that i miss my family more than anything. :] But i will be going back to Idaho in June to be with the fam. :]
♥AS FOR ME...Im a really easy going person. Im really easy to get along with and im nice to pretty much everyone. But if you piss me off, i DEFINATELY won't have a problem telling you. I hate shit talkers... i LOVE food and sleeping! I dont like drama. I think its really retarded. I dont like people who start drama either. I love ice cream. I dont like the smell of roses. i trust very few people. I have learned the hard way that you can only trust the ones who trust you. I show my feelings very well. If im mad or upset...you will know. I think love is one of the best things you could have. And i also think that a lot of people take it for granted. Im really random. I love my friends and family more than anything. I love getting flowers. Im always up to trying new things. I live life to the fullest. I think that if ur here living..you might as well have fun doin it. I love the rain. I like camping, hanging out with friends, riding 4 wheelers, partying, shopping, and just having fun!
You dont meet many true friends in your life but i know for a fact that these three girls are a few of them!
♥Jen..She is my best friend. actually..She is more. Shes my sister. She has been there for me whenever i needed her. She is my backbone. We are together every second of the day. We have more inside jokes and memories than anyone i know! We have gone through so much together. She stuck by my side through everything. Drama, Boys, anything you could think of. She has been there. I love her more than anything.
♥Whitney.. I love her soooo much! I dont even know how i would make it without her! We have been through some rough times but we always make it through. Thats how you know that you have a true friend. We talk so much about everything! I know i can talk to her whenever i need to! Goin over to her house to tan on her tramp and eat everything in her house is the best.:) I miss long walks to the water towers before prom and being so close. But im always here for her to talk to when she needs someone. I love you Whit!
♥Amber. Amberoni Maccaroni..MY SUNSHINE. Well lets see. The first time we hung out, we were in Collins closet hiding from Chandlers dad. long story. But we got so close so fast. We have so many memories together. I never would have guessed that we would ever get as close as we did. Or be this good of friends. She has become one of my BEST. Shes an awesome person AND friend. I love her to death. I dont know what i would do without her. She is always there for me to talk to or for a shoulder to lean on. She always has my back and i will always have hers. No matter what.
And then theres the one guy i know i can always count on.
♥4A "My Big Brother"...I dont know what i would do without him. He is always there for me. I tell him everything. We always have eachother to talk to when we need someone. I know i can count on him for anything. He always makes me laugh. Whether hes making fun of me or just acting dumb. He could cheer me up even if i was in the worst mood. He always knows what to do to make me smile. And i love him for it.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



time started: 3:15
name: Chrissy
nickname(s): Chris, Christmas, Chubbs... Thats about it.
birthday: December 8, 1989
where were you born: Elko Nevada
do you still live there: no
zodiac sign: Saggitarius
height: like 5'3 or so.
hair color: blonde and brown
do you like it: Yeah
what does it look like: SWEET.
eye color: blue or sometimes green. depending on my mood
do you like it: yeah i guess
contacts or glasses: Neither
shoe size: 7 1/2
grade: 11
GPA: Lower than it should be
siblings: one brother and one sister.
piercings: my ears and my bellybutton
color: pink
scent: hollister august
show: the hills, greys anatomy, CSI, NCIS (Amber got me hooked on that one)
candy: Jelly Bellys
gum: trident tropical twist. its the BEST
drink: propel or ice tea
food: ice cream. or mashed potatos
pizza topping: pepperoni
book: i dont like to read
fruit: strawberries. or peaches
vegetable: i dont like vegetables
time of day: night
month: December. christmas AND my birthday
day of the week: Friday
season: summer for sure
magazine: cosmo
font: it doesnt really matter
shampoo: well i dont really know my favorite. but the one i use right now is Joico. i like it a lot
name: umm i havent really decided
number: 7
phrase: i have a lot.
store: Abercrombie, Hollister, Victoria Secret, Charlotte Rusee, American Eagle
accessory: Earrings
channel: MTV
weekend activity: mm..Just hanging out with my friends. And partying of course.
house color: I dont know.. White..?
animal: a zebra or a penguin
board game: i dont really play board games
story from childhood: chicken little
have you ever
been on a plane: yes
been on a train: yes
been on a bus: yes
been in a taxi: yes
been in a car accident: oh yes. once with crystal. once with cec. and once with my gram. i didnt get hurt in any of them. it just scared the shit out of me.
burned something: yes..
went out of the country: no. but i want to
broken the law: yes...
lost something valuable: Oh yes
met a celebrity: Barney...thats pretty much it. If that even counts..lol
cried in public: yep
had a cavity: yes
shopped at abercrombie and fitch: OF COURSE. Who hasnt?
prank called anyone: yeah lol
faked sick: yep
fallen from a tree: yes
climbed a tree: yeah
slept outside: yeah
broken a bone: nope
choked: ya...
passed out: yeah
been to disney world: yeah
made a model volcano: no
the last
phone call: Amberoni Macaroni
thing bought: Tanning
thing said: Ok bye
time you cried: Yesterday.
thing you ate: Lunch.
shoes you wore: Pumas.
occupation: mmm i wanna be a physical therapist...and a MILF of course
place to live: somewhere warm
kids: 2 a boy and a girl
car: A sweet one.
what are you doing tomorrow: Going to school. GAY
best friend: JEN
loudest: Definately Whit.
silliest: Amber.
craziest: We're all pretty crazy..
calmest: None of them.
nicest: Probably me..lol
meanest: All of my friends can be very mean if they dont like you..
the one you have but don't want: WHat the hell kind of question is that?
smartest: 4A for sure
most hyper: Amber or Whitney
weirdest: I dont have weird friends. I try to stay away from the weird kids..
pick one
pepsi-coke: Well i dont drink soda..But if i had to choose it would be pepsi.
sprite-7-up: Sprite
gold-silver: Silver. For jewelry anyways..
vanilla-chocolate: I like them both.
flowers-candy: Flowers
book-magazine: Magazine
tv-rdio: Tv
half empty-half full: Half full of course.
crayons-markers: Markers.
sun-moon: Sun
hot-cold: Hot. For sure.
dog-cat: DOG. I dont like cats. At all.
jeans-shorts: JEans. i love jeans. but i like shorts too. I guess it just depends.
waffles-pancakes: pancakes. as long as Jen doesnt make them...
florida-cali: Cali
first thing that comes to mind when you hear...
yellow: Sun
lipstick: EW
school: Gay
slippers: Warm
lawn mower: Grass
iceland: Cold
greenland: Green
harry potter: I dont really know. Nothing
rooster: Cock. hehe
bill clinton: Fag
whipped cream: mmm
mattress: soft
lollypop: Lick
love: GAY
panties: HaHa
are you
annoying: I hope not. Im sure i can be at times.
loud: Yeah..
quiet: No. Usually never. Unless im in a bad mood.
random: Definately.
perky: Yeah i guess..
happy: Most of the time.
sad: When someone makes me sad..
crazy: Oh yes.
smart: YEAH duh. :]
calm: When i want to be.
what time is it!: 3:36
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Take the quiz:
What Type of Flirt are You?

Subtle Flirt
Were you just winking at us? We couldn't quite tell... In fact, we think it's pretty safe to say that you're a Subtle Flirt you're a master of the flirting game. You know how to attract attention from anyone, any time. A quick come-hither smile, a little game of look-away-and-look-back-again before long you have the object of your affection wrapped around your little finger. One of the best things about your approach is that it's discreet. You can always act innocent and coy if something gets taken out of context or misunderstood. Just make sure you're not too subtle, or you may end up playing the game all by yourself.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


Take the quiz:
Which Victoria's Secret Angel are you?

Adriana Lima
You are wild,crazy,exotic, and love to wear as little as possible!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Your Personality Profile
You are dreamy, peaceful, and young at heart.
Optimistic and caring, you tend to see the best in people.
You tend to be always smiling - and making others smile.
You are shy and intelligent... and a very hard worker.
You're also funny, but many people don't see your funny side.
Your subtle dry humor leaves your close friends in stitches. The World's Shortest Personality Test
Known as: chubbs, lard, fat ass, chris, or chrissy (the first two were made up by 4A...*thanks* lol
Lives in: ournd mountain nevada
FiRST BREATH: December 8, 1989
School: round mountain high
Hair color: brown with blonde highlights
Eye color: like a bluish green
Style: i guess you could say...preppy...
Fears: being alone and the dark
SECTION 2: HaVe YoU eVeR...
Cheated on someone? proud to say that i havent :)
Been Cheated on? yep
Fallen off the bed? oh yeah
broken someone`s heart? no not that i know of
Had your heart broken? yep...
Had a dream come true? everyday
Done something you regret? nope i dont regret anything. i think everything happens for a reason
Cheated on a test? how do you think i pass them? lol
Wearing? a hollister shirt and jeans
Listening to? tim mcgraw
Located? jens
Chatting with? jens little sisters
Watching? the hills
Should REALLY be doing? umm.. sleeping or eating
SECTION 4: Do YoU...
Brush your teeth? yes
Like anybody? i guess you could say that
Have any piercing? yeah my ears and my bellybutton
Drive? yeah my mommas car
Drink? yeah...
Smoke? nope
Got a pager? nope
Who is your best? Lacey James
Who do you hate? umm.. nobody
Who is the shyest? i dont really have any shy friends
Who is the most talkative? whitney or jen
Who is the cutest? all of them
Who laughs the most? we are all laughing all the time
Who have you known the longest? lacey
Who have you known the shortest? Leah
Who do you miss the most? all my spring creek friends
Who do you go to with personal problems? jen whitney or my mom
Do you hang out with the opposite sex? yeah
Do you trust your friends? of course
Are you a good friend? yeah
Can you keep a secret? yes
SECTION 6: ThE lAsT pErSoN yOu...
Hugged? jen
Kissed? revilo
IMed? ....
Talked on the phone? jen
Yelled at? revilo
Fell in love with? Shane.....
What do you want to be when you grow up? a MILF.. haha or a physical therapist
What has been the best day of your life? i dont really know
What comes first in your life? friends and family
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? umm
What do you usually think about before you go to bed? usually nothing i just pass out
How many times have you fallen in love? once
Love your family? yes
Love your friends? yes
Movie: ..lots.. the notebook, shes the man, a walk to remember, varsity blues, the longest yard, the goonies, and tons more
Store: Hollister, American Eagle, Abercrombie, Victoria Secret, 579....
Relative: MY AUNT
Sport: volleyball
Name for a Girl: i dont know
Name for a Boy: dont know
Quote: ..*..sing as if nobodys listening dance as if nobodys watching, live as today is ur last, and love as is ur heart could never be broken..*..
Abortion: if you really need to do it....
Smoking: its gross
Eating Disorders: WTF... stupidest thing ive ever heard of!
Suicide: just as stupid as the bitches with eating disorders
Summer: i love it!
Love: its bullshit


Take the quiz:
What clothing store are you?

Abercrombie & Fitch
You cute and fashionable..your not afraid to splurge if it means you gonna look hott!

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!