drums, movies, theatre, reading.
Patrons of the arts, movie buffs, music buffs, people who enjoy aimless rants, crazy yet hysterical conversations, and people who like having fun. Also bands that want to play a show with my band, Big Bad Bobby & the Shoe Horns. To hear us, go to myspace.com/bigbadbobbyandtheshoehorns to hear some studio recordings. Our music has been comapred to The Aquabats, Fall Out Boy, Primus, and Pavement, so I think you'll be able to find something yo like............and Rush.For those interested, below is one of my solos:
Anything from Prog Rock, Ska, Melodic Death Metal, Alternative, North Indian Citar Music, Show Tunes, Thrash Metal, Punk, Indie.
Favorite directors include: Trey Parker, Kevin Smith, Danny DiVito, Steve Odekerk, Tim Burton.
Freaks and Geeks, Undergrads, Buffy, Firefly, Simpsons, Futurama, South Park, Due South
"Ghost Rider: Travels on the Road to Healing" -Neil Peart "Wicked" -Gregory McGuire "The Long Hard Road out of Hell" -Marilyn Manson "The Revelation" -Bentley Little "To The Stars" -George Takei
Neil Peart, The Todd