I have meet a lot of intelligent, ignorant, self-fish people, stupid people, people who do not care, and those who are wise. In my journey in life I want to meet those who are intelligent and have life common sense. Those are the people who I want to meet day in and out of my journey. Those who hold wisdom can guide you and show you how they see the world, which may never of occurred to you to see it that way. I want to meet those who have struggled and suffered because those are people who take life one day at a time. That show patience for the world. Those who have a big heart and want to make it in the world. These are the people who I want to surround myself with because they have a story to tell you that it was not easy getting where they are now but because they did not quit they made it big. Those who looked up at the stars and said I want that one right there and they went through struggles, up and downs but they finally got that star. These are the people I want to meet through my journey in life.