A Different Type of MYsPaCE SuRveY
Who Are You?
Your name backwards: eerised
Middle name: Aisha
Birthday: march 24
Tell Me More!
Zodiac sign: aries
Ethnicity: Black
What Makes You, YOU?
Color: black
Letter: d
Quote: "only god can judge me"
Football team:
Baseball team:
Movie: "Baby Boy"
Amusement Park: any
What you want to be when you grow up?: nurse
Fears: future
Best Physical Feature: booty,smile,face,chest
Hobbies: working
Favorite word: "bitch"
The thing you are best at is: anything i put my mind to
The most unique thing about you is: personality
Thing you hate most: liars
I wish...:
Crazy Questions
If you had to get a tattoo, what would it be?: the ones i have
If you were an m&m, what color would you be?: red
If you had to shoplift a store, which store would you choose?:
Water park or amusement park?:
What you really wanted for your birthday was...: anything
Ever ate anything raw?:
I wish i was living in: alanta
In A Guy or Girl
Eye color: brown or hazel
Hair color: black
Ethnicity: black
3 most important things in a guy/girl: education,honesty,good personality
Punk or prep?: neither
Your space
Write anything random right here!: anything you want to tell me
Fame and Fortune
What celebrity are you most like?: none
How would you prefer to get famous?:
I wish i could visit: cancun
I wish I could meet: tyrese
I wish i was hanging out with:
I wish...:
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