If I sat here and explained to you who I would like to meet, you would probably leave because you might not fit the description. Just talk to me and after we talk, I will tell you whether I enjoyed talking to you, or if I want a refund on the time I spent on you. If I dont feel comfortable talking to you, I just wont. Plain and simple. Also, if you are a girl, I'll be more than glad to talk to you, aslong as you dont complain to me about your boyfriend being a jerk and how you still love him, or how your cousin's best friend's boyfriend knows this guy that went to that one place and talked shit and now everyone is going to kick his ass because I dont like that talk. If I talk to you, please try to keep the conversation limited to me and you, and anything else of interest. If you ask me a question, I will give you an answer. I do not lie, and I know when people lie to me. If you ask a dumb question, you will get a dumb answer, unless I get dumb and take your question seriously. The End.-- begin FriendFlood code for your MySpace page ----
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