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Techno-Deathrock-Rockabilly-HardRock-Trash-Punk-Industrial-8 0's-Glam--Classical- I like most of UK music as well as 50's rockers. Some all time favorite bands: Type O Negative,Sisters of Mercy,Pink Floyd,Christian Death,David Bowie,The Mission UK, Nosferatu,SteelPulse,most Skinhead Reggae, old ska, Desmond Dekker,Alien Sex Fiend, Gary Numan,Jerry Lee Lewis,The Velvet Underground, Lou Reed,Joy Division, Eva O,Bauhaus,Siouxsie,Morrisey,Iggy Pop,69Eyes,INXS,The Clash,TheCure,TheCult,Premature EjaculationShadow Project, Daucus Karota, y cuanto proyecto bizarro tuvo Rozz Williams,Nine Inch Nails, Ministry,Cancer Stick,Hocico,Dope,KMFDM,Das Ich,MarilynManson,Tool,APC,Diary of Dreams,Depeche,London After Midnight,U2, Cinema Strange, Two Witches, Moonspell,Therion,Specimen,The Mission, Human Drama,ClaN of Xymox,The Cramps,White-Rob Zombie,Elvies Presley,Pantera,Slayer, Kreator,Ozzy,Madonna,La Polla Records,Heroes del Silencio
I like silent movies, mostly the ones created during the highest point of German Expresionism. In general, some remarkable movies like: Nosferatu (1922) The Phantom of the Opera (1925) Metropolis, London After Midnight, Dr. Caligary, Bela Lugosi's Dracula, Frankeistein (Boris Karloff), Charles Chaplin movies,The Night of the Living Dead, Intolerance,Most WWII movies, Vampire of Dusserdoff...A clockwork Orange, The Shining, Reservoir Dogs,Fight Club,Taxi Driver,Scarface,and other works from Kubrick,Hitcock,Tarantino,Scorssese, O. Stone, Tim Burton, Guy Ritchie, etc...
"La television es el dios mas tangible de nuestra sociedad.Quiza el unico que exista.En un solo aparato electrico, se encuentran todos los tiempos, situaciones y hechos de la humanidad. Nuestra mente divaga atraves de millones de visiones y ondas sonoras, alejando de nosotros un terrible mundo real y transportandonos en ocasiones a dolorosos e inalcanzables mundos fictisios" - A Terrible Mind.
A robin redbreast in a cage Puts all heaven in a rage. "Auguries of Innocence" - William Blake...and the Marquis de Sade, F.Niestzche, about WWII, Bram Stocker, Ann Rice, EA Poe, A.Huxley, I. Asimov, C. Baudelaire, William Blake, HP Lovecraft, Oscar Wilde, F. Kafka, M Shelly, Poppy Brite, more
"We can be heroes, just for one day" - David Bowie