I am currently attending the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, where I am a senior in electrical engineering. I plan to attend graduate school to get my masters in either electrical or aerospace engineering, then I would like to work in the aero space industry designing communication systems. After I work in industy, I would like to return to school to get my Ph.D and teach electrical engineering at the University of Louisiana.I am actively involved in the university student branch of IEEE or Insitute of Electroinc and Electrical Engineers.In additon to IEEE, I am presently involved in project called C.A.P.E, which stands for Cajun Advanced Picosatellite Experiment. In C.A.P.E, we design and produce a satellite to be launched in space. In space, it will remain in lower-earth orbit for approximantly 25 years. The first team is currently in the integration stage, while the second team, my team, is in the design stage.