I've been accused by many as being a MySpace 'Girl Collector' and, to a certain extent, this is 100% accurate. I've always been a sucker for a pretty face and a nice bod... I guess that's the screaming heterosexual in me.... but I am still extraordinarily discriminating, mostly because I've seen enough pretty faces and big boobies to know that true sexiness comes from the mind... dazzle me not only with your cleavage, but with your acumen!!
Moreover, you'll note that there are not 10,000,000,000,000 beautiful women in my "Friends" list, nor are all of them either hetero or eligible... I simply love a hotty like the next guy, yet they need a certain je ne sais qua to pique my interest.... here's a good test: if you didn't know that 'pique' is spelled like this, then you're probably in the wrong place.
And, honestly, I'm not that big a language prude or the grammar (not 'grammer', as good Rosie has pointed out) Gestapo. I just think we should all speak the English language that we've agreed upon. You see, I'm not the grammar police, 'cause I just ended a sentence in a preposition! =)