listening to music, young judaea, usy, summers at TY, Israel, drawing, painting, writing, playing guitar, making not-so-pc comments with shir, just being with my friends
Name: rachel ariella
Birthday: december 1, 1989
Birthplace: jersey
Current Location: jersey
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: dark brown
Height: 5"1
Right Handed or Left Handed: left
Your Heritage: jewish
The Shoes You Wore Today: none :)
Your Weakness: impulsiveness, a nice jewish boy
Your Fears: time, losing things
Your Perfect Pizza: simple and fresh
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: i don't know, to be happy or to fall in love or something wonderfully corny like that
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: haha
Thoughts First Waking Up: "where are my pants?"/"shir, turn down the fucking volume"
Your Best Physical Feature: eyes or lips
Your Bedtime: early in the morning and in its coops class
Your Most Missed Memory: TY!! usy encampment 06, and Florida, seeing my grandpa for the last time
Pepsi or Coke: root beer
MacDonalds or Burger King: macdonalds
Single or Group Dates: single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: mocha frappaccino
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Swear: yeah
Do you Sing: yeah
Do you Shower Daily: haha ..yeah (shir lol)
Have you Been in Love: no
Do you want to go to College: yes
Do you want to get Married: yes, eventually
Do you belive in yourself: sometimes
Do you get Motion Sickness: no
Do you think you are Attractive: on good days
Are you a Health Freak: no
Do you get along with your Parents: sometimes...
Do you like Thunderstorms: oh yeah, especially at TY
Do you play an Instrument: yeah, guitar, but badly
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yeah
In the past month have you Smoked: nope
In the past month have you been on Drugs: no
In the past month have you gone on a Date: yeah
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yeah
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: maybe HALF a box...
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: yeah
In the past month have you been on Stage: yeah
In the past month have you been Dumped: no
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: does kutshers count?
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no... ok well cookies and beads at convention :)
Ever been Drunk: haha cast party :)
Ever been called a Tease: yeah
Ever been Beaten up: by a paddle
Ever Shoplifted: no
How do you want to Die: old and naturally and content with my life
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: as of this week, child psychiatrist, but it changes with the weather
What country would you most like to Visit: Israel!
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: green, but i love pretty eyes in general
Favourite Hair Color: brown
Short or Long Hair: both are nice, but long can be so fun to play with..
Height: taller than me (not saying much)
Weight: normal
Best Clothing Style: relaxed, comfortable, yourself
Number of Drugs I have taken: none
Number of CDs I own: alot
Number of Piercings: two, but a cartilage stud would be cool
Number of Tattoos: none
Number of things in my Past I Regret: a few... when i'm impulsive
I went to junior camp at sprout lake
I've been to TY oh yeah
My best friend(s) in YJ is/are oh so many, carly alana ross lily melissa aya suzy emily zach matan... oh everyone. its young judaea.
What club are you part of, if applicable? w-town/wo-mo
Are you on mazkirut? club
What position are you on maz, if applicable? social action programmer
My favorite thing about YJ is israel, cloud watching, social action, shira shketa, friends
My favorite convention ever was spring convention 06
My favorite year in camp was ergh, probably yachad
I've been in YJ for seven or eight years
I prefer...
Aleph or Bet? bet is better!
Shira or Rikud? shira
Israeli Scouts or FZY? scouts
Amendment Asepha or Election Asepha? never been at an amendment asepha so i can't say
Hadag Nachash or Sabliminal? hadag nachash
Monica Sex or Sheygetz? monica sex
Shira shketa or loud shira? shira shketa
Winter or Spring Convention? springgg !
TY or Junior camp? TY
Noah Gallagher or Stuart? (HA!) Noah Gallagher
Finish these lines!
Ani ve'ata neshane... et ha'olam
Father Abraham had seven sons... and seven sons had father abraham
What a glorious feeling, I'm... ch ch ch ch ch young judaea!
Kol ha'olam kulo... gesher tzam meyod
jimi hendrix, elliott smith, gandhi and theodore herzl, to name a few wonderful dead people...and jenny lewis & ted leo. just because.
simon and garfunkel, state radio, R.E.M., rilo kiley, cat power, noah wilker, ted leo & the pharmacists, tegan and sara, dar williams, dispatch, bedouin soundclash, counting crows, guided by voices, natalie merchant, david gray, shotei hanevua, hadag nachash, the new pornographers, patty griffin, guster, pete yorn, elliott smith, rogue wave, jimi hendrix, phish, nada surf, beth orton, aimee mann, jenny lewis & the watson twins, cat stevens, etan ofrane, nate allman, neko case, rachael yamagata, regina spektor, OAR, sublime, nick drake, rusted root, damien rice, rhcp, matisyahu, bob marley and the wailers, heedoosh, dave matthews band, joshua radin, iron and wine, toad the wet sprocket, brookline falls, ben kweller, the format, suzanne vega, john coltrane, built to spill, matt costa, the fray, sufjan stevens, braddigan, gary jules, don mclean, third eye blind, weezer, jack johnson, ben folds, joseph arthur, wilco, shout out louds, earlimart, snow patrol, the perishers, the shins, belle & sebastian, death cab for cutie, the decemberists, stereophonics, oasis, postal service, mat kearney, travis, the beatles, the who, led zeppelin, joe cocker, the beach boys, ccr, bob dylan, pink floyd, eric clapton, jethro tull, bruce springsteen, the allman brothers band, the grateful dead, carole king, james taylor, bloc party, broken social scene, gin blossoms, lifehouse, goo goo dolls, the arctic monkeys, the vines, queen, the flaming lips, the ramones, spoon, robbers on high street, miles davis, garden state soundtrack, foo fighters, nirvana, smashing pumpins, our lady peace, jimmy eat world, 3 doors down, vertical horizon, coldplay, victory season, achinoam nini, idan raichel, indigo girls, sarah mclachan, sarah harmer, jem, mary chapin carpenter, 10,000 maniacs, allison krauss, shawn colvin, jewel, rent, camelot, the lion king soundtrack, 90s dance music, alex michaud, navah singing us to sleep...
almost famous, when harry met sally, pride and prejudice, animal house, to kill a mockingbird, pump up the volume, young frankenstein, beauty and the beast, aladdin, lion king, cinderella (basically all the classic disneys), some kind of wonderful, the breakfast club, amelie, chocolat, secretary, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, finding neverland, donnie darko, arsenic and old lace, robin hood: men in tights, princess bride, empire records, fast times at ridgemont high, foul play, breakfast at tiffany's, roman holiday, shadow of a doubt, bridget jones' diary, remember the titans, garden state, my big fat greek wedding, butterfly effect, you've got mail, dirty dancing, wedding crashers, harry potter, clueless, good will hunting, dead poets society, life or something like it, serenity, whale rider, school of rock, underworld, sleepy hollow, shrek, matilda, ocean's eleven, x-men, the matrix, it happened one night, funny face, casablanca, in her shoes, elizabethtown, under the tuscan sun, circle of friends, dirty pretty things, saved!, good morning vietnam, m*a*s*h, charlotte gray, catch and release, harold and kumar go to white castle, two for the road
grey's anatomy, veronica mars, scrubs, that 70's show, house, firefly, men in trees, old school nick, charmed, csi, friends, law and order, boy meets world, just shoot me reruns
where the wild things are, 84 charing cross road, where the sidewalk ends, the complete poems of anne sexton, slouching towards bethlehem, 1984, skunk cabbage, yehuda amichai, someone to run with, the inn at lake devine, pride and prejudice, to kill a mockingbird, in the image, exodus, the books of rachel, the giving tree, ella enchanted :), the awakening, jane eyre, harry potter, the chosen, the giver, the power of one, ps i love you, sloppy firsts and second helpings and charmed thirds, a heart divided, year of secret assignments, sisterhood of the traveling pants, da vinci code, snow falling on cedars, and anything by james patterson and mary higgins clark
anyone who can leave something or someone behind because of their convictions... and who can remain an amazing, strong person despite (and because of) all the shit life throws at you.... like scott fried