eating and wearing chain mail on sunny days, uve never sweated until uve sweated in chain mail.
Anyone who thinks they can pull off a handlebar moustache without being called gay. Oh an Mc hammer. Myself from a parrarel universe, and spidermans cousin just so because he'd be dead jealous and bitter and we could slag him off, and when we saw him on the street we'd laugh because his cousin told me he shit the bed at 14. And i'd be like no way, and spiderman would be like i never did that, thats a lie but we'd just laugh and spit in his face. i do like spiderman though he's cool regardless if he shit the bed or not.
Stuff that has a point or is funny. none of that mind numbing high school bullshit.
Is a magic box
eerrmmm dont know really, maybe the blue whale