phaarelStudio profile picture


"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler" Albert Einstein

About Me

Directeur Artistique I Web I Print I Illustrateur I Photographe...

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My Interests

Films I Arts graphiques I Web Design I Flash I 3D I Matte Painting I Compositing I Photographie I Graphisme...

I'd like to meet:

Vous, certainement !


Seven Dub I Wish you pleasure I Kubb I Dêpeche Mode I Massive Attack I Portished I Placebo I ACDC I Marvin Gaye I Barry white I Steevie Wonder I Lenny Kravitz I La Motown...


Truands I Ne le dis à personne I Taxidermie I Collision I The GodFatherI Fight Club I Big Fish I Memento I Requiem for a Dream I The machinist I Old Boy I Memento I Lost in translation I Donnie Darko I Solaris I Zatoichi I Smoke I Brooklin Boogie I Fargo...


Californication I Dexter I Nip Tuk I Prison Break I Heroes...


Les Thanatonautes I L'empire des anges I Nous les Dieux I Le parfum I La trilogie Nikopol (Bilal en général)...