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IF dEy cAn liE 2 goD, WAT mAkEs u FINk dEy wonT LIe 2 u 2!!!.... a href=http://www.girlytags

About Me

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TLC - Diggin on you

Add to My Profile | More Videos..MMmMmm ok aBouT ME,I lOve gOIng ouT dOnT DO It VeRY oFTeN, buT wHEn I dO i havE A sWEaTFulL tiMe aS i CaNt Get Of thAt DAnCEFloor . AbOut Me iS haRD SEeINg tHe PeopLe ThAT WOUld MOst KNow You Is ThE PeOPle YOU haNg ArOUNd frIenDs aNd FaMIlY.. aS tHeY aRE lOOKinG fRom tHe OUtsIde they WouLd knoW moSt AbOUt you, in THiS cASe Me .... But To SAy a FeW ThiNgS , i aM dOInG a BacHeLOr DEGrEE IN mUsIC, I wOrK iN reTaIL pARt-tiMe. I liKe mAkINg NeW fRIenDs hENce MaybE Why I jOIneD thIs, But reAllY i aM HerE aS a FEW Of My fRIenDs werE sO inTO iT tHEy gOt Me To JOIN In ON iT, bUt I aM hAVinG fuN wIth AL thE fANcy tHInGs YOu cAn Do.. anywaY i LovE to TAlk , uSuAllY AbouT raNdoM tHINgS , WORLd isSues ..... ON aND on . WhAt ELSE , GoSh I mUst Be fULL of So MAny ASpeCTs, CaUSe eVerYThiNG iS fLyiNg At ME. sO i WilL lEAvE It As wHOeVeR ouT ThERE In THiS bEAUTifUl WoRLD WAnTs TO knoW more, you WIll JuST hAve TO ThE mYsPaCe THING AnD aDD mE ...XoOoxoXOxoXOXoxoXOxoOXoxOXoxoXO
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People Envy Your Compassion
You have a kind heart and an unusual empathy for all living creatures. You tend to absorb others' happiness and pain.
People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. And compassionate as you are, you feel for them. What Do People Envy About You?I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

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Your Birthdate: May 28
You have a Type A personality so big it makes other Type A's shrink away in shame.
You never shy away from adversity - and you love to tackle impossible problems.
Failure is not an option for you, and more than a few people are put off by your ego.
You tend to be controlling, and you hate leaving anything up to chance.

Your strength: Your bold approach to life

Your weakness: You don't accept help

Your power color: Bronze

Your power symbol: Pyramid

Your power month: October What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

I'd like to meet:

So many people , no point in mentioning them until it becomes real. No need to long for something, if it happens it happens and then that will be worth typing for in this section.... xooxoxoxo


WeblayoutPimp.comI am into all types of music , not so much dance but slowly getting into it , and not so much rock or country but i appreciate it all. As any type of genre they all tell a story well the talented artists that is , not the fake just in it for the superficial life of music people , the ones that tell a story are the ones who understand that music is a lanuage and you share and create a world of your own through song example of such artists are : quincy jones , george benson, whitney houston, alicia keys , mariah carey, michael jackson, prince, luther vandross, etta james, ella fitzgerald, aretha franklin, marvin gaye, bob marley, anita baker , gloria gayner elvis costello, nat king kole, miles davis, ray charles, james brown, ub40, louis armstrong, wendy matthews, aerosmith, run dmc, 2pac, pavarotti, maria callas, joan sutherland so much more and if we are not careful being unique will just become a trend and not something that should be engraved in the music business....xooxxoxooxoMariah Carey au MTV movie awards 2005
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mmmmmmm all books by Terry McMillan, and autobiographies such as Malcolm X...


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