I love Alexis!!!=> profile picture

I love Alexis!!!=>

ILY!! Alexis!!

About Me

Jordan u have been my friends for live and how did u get so flippin go at baseball!! and ur a rich Fag!!!jk.---Joey we have also been friend for live and u the funnyest person a live!!---Eric what a fag!!jk but when we are all together we make mass distrusion!!! and cool!---Tommy ur fun to be with and pretty funny!! ---lexie ur all way so hiper that so cool!! ur so freaky but in a good way!!!---andrew ur so flippen good and soccer u got to teach me sometimes and good times!!! like snowboarding!!!---zav ur a great freind but know u moved again idk if ill ever see u again!!----Alexis ur always fun to talk to. ppl this girl has the best smile in the world. and i can always talk to you. she amazing.and i totally love her to death!!!

My Interests

The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: green/blue
Hair Color:: brown/blonde
Height:: 5ft10in
Favorite Color:: red
Screen Name:: Xsportsmanx1223x
Favorite Band:: Fall out boy
Favorite Movie:: idk
Favorite Show:: espn i guess
Your Car:: none
Your Hometown:: not telling
Your Present Town:: not telling
Your Crushes First Name:: Alexis Nicole Leddy
Your Grade:: 9th
Your Style:: just being me
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: yah
Kissed someone in the rain?: no but i will
Danced in a public place?: hell yah
Smiled for no reason?: yah
Laughed so hard you cried?: yah
Peed your pants after age 8?: no sorry
Written a song?: a little
Sang to someone for no reason?: yah on the phone
Performed on a stage?: yah
Talked to someone you don't know?: yah
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: no
Made out in a theatre?: yah
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: yah
Been in love?: yes
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: alexis
Tell you, I love you?: alexis
Kiss you?: alexis
Hug you?: alexis
Tell you BYE?: alexis
Write you a note?: alexis
Take your photo?: i think alexis
Call your cell phone?: alexis
Buy you something?: jordan
Go with you to the movies?: alexis,jordan,jen,shelby
Sing to you?: idk
Write a poem about you?: idk
Text message you?: idk
Touch you?: alexis
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: laughed on the phone with alexis.
Time you cried?: to alexis jk idk
Movie you watched?: nemo
Joke you told?: idk alot of them
Song you've sang?: my song im trying to make
Time you've looked at the clock?: 11:11
Drink you've had?: coke
Number you've dialed?: alexis not yelling tho
Book you've read?: idk
Food you've eaten?: pizza
Flavor of gum chewed?: hmm idc
Shoes you've worn?: soccer shoes
Store you've been in?: hollister with alexis
Thing you've said?: alot of stuff
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: no
Whistle?: yah
Blow a bubble?: yah
Roll your tounge in a circle?: no
Cross your eyes?: yah
Touch your tounge to your nose?: no
Dance?: yah
Gleek?: no
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: no
Speak a different language?: no
Impersonate someone?: yah
Prank call people?: easy
Make a card pyramid?: no
Cook anything?: yah
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: monkey i would go flippin crazy.
I wish ...: alexis was here.
So many people don't know that ...: i rock at soccer.
I am ...: god.
My heart is ...: taken by alexis.
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extremely long survey
Your full name: joseph zachary cieniewicz
Age: 14
Height: 5ft 10in
Natural hair colour: brown
Eye colour: green blue
Number of siblings: idc
Peircings: no
Tattoos: no
Colour: red
Band: fall out boy
Song: skater boy
Stuffed animal: monkey
TV show: idk
Movie: idk
Book: idk
Food: pizza
Flower: Rose
Scent: fresh air
Animal: chimp
Play an instrument: guitar
Like to sing: yah
Have a job: yah
Have a mobile: yah
Like to play sports: yah
Have a boyfriend/ girlfriend: yah the most amazing girl ever alexis!!!
Have a crush on someone: yah alexis!!
Like school: ok
Say the alphabet backwards: no
Speak another language: no
Stay up for more than 24 hours: yah
Roll your tongue: no
Snuck out of the house: yah
Cried to get out of trouble: yah
Gotten lost in your city: no
Seen a shooting star: yah
Been to another counrty: no
Had serious surgery: yah
Stolen something important to someone else: no
Gone out in public with your pajamas: yah
Cried over a boy: no
Cried over a girl: almost
Hugged a random stranger: yah
Kissed a random stranger: no
Been in a physical fight: yah
Been arrested: yah
Done drugs: no
Had alcohol: no
Push all the buttons on an elevator: yah
Gone to school to find out you had a day off because of a holiday/etc.: yah
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose: no
Swore at your parents: no
Kicked a guy where it hurts: no
Been in love: yes
Been close to love: yes
Been to a casino: no
Ran over an animal and killed it: no
Broken a bone: yah
Gotten stiches: no
Had a water balloon fight in winter: no
Bitten someone: yah
Been to disneyland/disneyworld: no
More than 5 times: yah
Burped in someones face: yah
Brushed your teeth: today
Went to the movies: last night
Read a book: idk
Had a party: jordan's
Tripped in front of someone: yah
Went to the grocery store: last night
Got sick: idk
Cursed: now
Made fun of someone: jonny
Had a snow day: a long time ago
Had a slumber party: few days ago
Fruits/ Veggies: fruits
Black/ White: white
Lights on/ Lights off: on
TV/ Movie: tv
Pillow/ Blanket: blanket
Summer/ Winter: summer
Boy/ Girl: girl
Chocolate/ Vanilla: chocolate
Sprinkles/ Icing: icing
Hugs/ Kisses: kisses
Cats/ Dogs: dogs
Winter break/ Spring break: spring break
Clouds/ Clear sky: clear sky
Moon/ Mars: mars
How many friends do you have: alot
Do you have a best friend: yah jordan
Have you ever liked one of your friends: yah
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends: girl
Have you ever lost a friend: ya
Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend: yah
Whats an inside joke between you and a friend: idk
Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend: yah
Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend: loved then!!!
Whats the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you: loved me!!
Do you miss any of your old friends: yah
What friend have you known the longest: rieley
Do you regret anything youve done to a friend: going into jordans house
How often do you spend time with your friends: all
Do any of your friends drive: yah one
Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend: idk alot
What do you think your friends think of you: pretty cool
Have you ever been in love: yah
If you have, with who: alexis
Are you single: no
Are you in a relationship: yah
Do you believe there is someone for everyone: yah
What is your idea of the best date: under the stars
How old were you when you got your first kiss: 9
Do you think love is a load of shit: yah
Whats the best experiance youve ever had with the opposite sex: haveing partys
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before: yah
Whats the most sexual thing youve done with the opposite sex: makenout i dont do anything else.
am: god!!!!
want: Alexis
need: Alexis
crave: alexis
love: alexis
hate: no one
did: nothing
feel: loved
miss: alexis
am annoyed by: jonny
would rather be: die then
am tired of: jonny
will always be: me!
What is your favourite genre of music:
Whens the last time you called someone: noww
How much money do you have right now: ice cream
Whatcha doin: nothing
What are you going to do when youre done with this: run
Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over: yah
If you could have any magical power what would it be: to love alexis forever!!
Have you ever had a picnic: yah
Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young: no
What about sock em boppers: yah
Are you wearing any socks right now: yah
Funny: yah
Pretty: hell no
Sarcastic: no
Lazy: no
Hyper: yah
Friendly: yah
Evil: no
Smart: i guess
Strong: yah
Talented: yah
Dorky: no
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