Definitely NOT Hello Kitty. Art, technology, life abroad, are all good starting places but definitely NOT Hello Kitty.
Hmmmm tough one. I guess I like meeting people who DON'T have deep seeded issues they feel a need to reveal to me in a way that leaves me feeling awkward and somehow responsible for solving it. Yup, been there, done that more times that I care to admit. Ideally I like meeting people who've been around the block, seen a few countries, done many different things and been just as many people...and not in the multiple personalities department thank you very much. Its a pretty open ended question, but just not neurotics...oh and pretencious people, right.
I used to just like hard rock and electronic, but I've slowly started liking, against my will mind you, JPOP. People like Anna Tsuchiya, Mika Nakajima and Ayumi Hamazaki are listened to behind close doors when no one's looking.
Japanese Horror is truly a great thing. Usually there well written and use good camera work and minimal gore to convey a solidly written story. That aside I saw Forty Year Old Virgin last weekend and I thought THAT was tip top.
Hana Tobi. Anyone no in Japan won't get it, but its sort of a Theatre Sports come Comedy show all in one.
I'm in dire need of buying new books. I LOVE to read, but I've read my limited library WAY too many times. At the moment I'm reading Cryptonomicon by Neal Stepheson for the 100th time.
Godzilla: Taller than all Japanese people, prone to bouts of homicidal rage, both loved and feared by Japanese people, ability to breath radioactive death on unsuspecting people...sounds like my life in Japan in a nutshell.