I am always learning, switching things up, falling down, becoming more who I am... being out doors is where I feel most comfortable,(mostly b/c I love SOCCER). I love the mountains and the forest and the desert and the sea...nature is a great teacher.Earth is my home and the land my bed. I'm fascinated by world,and it's religions and philosophies. I believe in the revolution.I love to cliff dive, party, go to FESTIVALS!! and outdoor parties - there's nothing quite like running around the countryside! I love to DANCE, I could do it all day! :) I've been writing for a long time now, can't get much fully finished yet, but I'm confident enough in my writing and music to know I'll be able to one day.I love to spin flaming balls of fire around me,and rock out with glow sticks.Friendly humanitarian,honest and loyal,original and inventive,independent and intellectual,strongwilled and forceful. I seek truth above all things,if I am decieved my anger is terrible....I have a passion for writing poetry and I'm a romantic at heart! Dancing in the rain,smell of a bonfire,candlelight,sun on my face,moonlight,fantasy(dragons,fairies,vampires),curling up with a good book,ocean wave's breaking against my feet,the pulse of nightlife,morning coffee,autumn air,halloween!~ I try to focus on positive energy believing if I think and dream in that state then nothing is impossible to do,achieve,or become....-I Love the beauty and grace of AngelsI can't live without ART.I write poems and stories.I take photos - both nature and people.I draw.******************************************************* ********************************^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^
****** ** ******** ************ ******** *******(http://www.mindlessselfindulgence.com)(http://msi.mu
nce)(Group URL: http://groups.myspace.com/MSI)*****Band Members*****
---Little Jimmy Urine - Vox & Programming
---Steve, Righ? - Guitar
---Kitty - Drums
---Lyn Z - Bass***MSI****MSI****MSI****MSI*****MSI*****MSI*****MSI*****
MSI*****Mindless Self Indulgence- Bring the Pain [Live]
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Open Your Eyes Guano Apes
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**** If you want to see what kind of Movies I'm into go to my Photobucket site **** ---I love all types of Movies, and those are some.......http://s100.photobucket.com/albums/m38/EmahjenInk 06/Movies/
**** If you want to see what kind of Television Shows I'm into go to my Photobucket site ****http://s100.photobucket.com/albums/m38/EmahjenInk06/tele /
-- The Electric KoolAid Acid Test, LSD and Psychoactive/Ethnobotanical research papers. I like books that make me think..* VIKING METAL* The protagonist arrives in a ship, kills the dragon with his mighty axe, skins the dragon and eats it, rapes the princess to death, steals her belongings and burns the castle before leaving