Michelle profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I finally did it. I decided to get a myspace page. So, here it goes.... In 1997 I graduated from West Rusk High School. I decided to further my education, so I attended the prestigious Kilgore College. I graduated from Kilgore College in 2000, (and yes, it took me three years for a two year degree) and I then moved to Tyler, Texas, and then moved back to the big T-town, aka, Turnertown. I met my husband, Scott, in 1999. Four years later, on March 23, I had my son, Michael Talon. Six months later Scott died. He died of a heart attack, he was 31. But life goes on, and I am dating again. His name is Mikie. He is absolutely wonderful and I couldn't ask for a better man. The only thing wrong with him is that he went to Henderson High School. Just kidding. He gives me Hell, because I went to West Rusk. But anyway, that is what has been going on with me.

My Interests

Who has time for interests?

I'd like to meet:

I don't know really. I'll have to think on this one.


I listen to everything.


I love all sorts of movies.


Law & Order SVU, Family Guy, My Name Is Earl, and The Office.


To Kill A Mockingbird.


I don't know really. I've never really sat down and thought about it. I'll get back to you on this one.

My Blog

Eggs and 2 year olds don't mix

Last Thursday night I went outside to water the lawn.  My son was inside being a good boy and watching his movie.  I mistakenly thought that I could sneak out and water the grass, and he wou...
Posted by Michelle on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 10:35:00 PST