. Women, School, Politics, Movies, Beer...etc. .
The occupier(s) of heaven... Before any of this ever started, heaven was empty. Not you not me and not even "God" stood there. When they accomplished their task, it was to stand and fill that empty place, to finally put an end to the pain in our hearts caused by that absence, forever. . It's come to my attention that many things are born of pain and fear. We as beings and people are born of pain and fear. To us, who are born from pain and fear, we are naturally attracted to following those of us who do not show pain nor fear. If there ever existed a person without fear, we'd follow that man, for his path is as bright as the sun. More than likely, that person(s) path is that of through heaven.
. . . . . . Bobby Valentino's "Tell Me" is directly responsible for me getting laid countless times. This song will forever remain on my profile. As you can see, it's a damn good song. . . . Well, my two next favorite songs sort of have the same artist. I think I like them soo much because they sample songs from the early 90s and late 80s. Get It Shawty . . . and "You"
Keith Olbermann, Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force
I've read many things, most recently, political works, scholarly works, scientific works and the bible. I only have these short things to say: 1)I firmly believe evolution should be taught in the schools and that creationism(intelligent design) should not because they are simply not science. 2)To try to read the bible literalistically about such issues disinvites us from using the best of recent scholarship and invites us to confusion and dissalusionment in the word of god and/or both. For an example, see number 3. 3) In the bible, Jesus is said to be the only way to get to heaven. But for us to assume that god couldn't act in other ways is, I think, is an understatement that puts God in an awfully small box, don't you? 4) I don't have a particular favorite quote or story from the bible, my favorites pretty much consist of any and all stories where god's true vision: His vision of those who are mourning are comforted, where the hungry are fed and where the poor hear good news, recieve riches and good health. Those are the fundamentals behind the bible, I can't help but feel everything else has been horribly taken out of context by a very large majority of people, both christians and not.
The person who discovered that everyone loves a big fat lie...The truth of the matter is: Truth often hurts people. To avoid the pain of the truth, people often refuse recognition of the truth and prefer a choice lie. In many instances the lies that people prefer over the truth are all they have to keep them alive. So, how do you go about telling the truth? particularly if they don't want to hear it and refuse to believe it? Or worse, if they believe it and life isn't worth living for them? It's all a matter of facts.