kira noelle [Connor has arrived!!] profile picture

kira noelle [Connor has arrived!!]


About Me

born & raised in the 757.
20 years old!
Mother to a perfect & precious baby boy!
Connor was born on June 8, 2008.
woodside class of 2006
i am a dental assistant, and love it!

get your own layout here.

My Interests

photo album 1.
photo album 2.
photo album 3.
photo album 4.

I'd like to meet:

I already found him...

He can keep me laughing all day. He knows when to be serious. He takes my mind off all the bad. He comforts me after a really bad day. He withstands my mood swings & attitude problems. He’s not just my boyfriend but my best friend. Kisses me and makes all my worries disappear. He knows exactly when there’s something wrong with me, even though I love it & hate it at the same time. I can trust him. I feel safe & comfortable with him. I could spend all day with him. Will kiss me, or hold my hand in front of his friends. He calls me beautiful. He calls me back when I hang up on him. He kisses my forehead. He’ll show me off to the world when I’m not looking my best. Thinks I'm just as pretty without makeup on. Constantly reminds me of how much he cares about me and loves me. He’d turn to his friends and say, "...that’s her." But most of all I know he will still stand with me through all the bad times because he knows somehow, someway we’ll always make it through. Everything about him is amazing. There’s no one who I will ever love more. He is and always will be my everything no matter what. Nobody will ever take his place in my heart.



Ayrtan "Twink" Sefiane

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It's hard to look at your picture and think,
I'll never get to see you again.
I know we weren't that close, but close enough.
All the crazy ass time we had together.
I wish we could have hung out more this past year.
But I'll always see you driving down warwick blowing me kisses. :]
I don't think it will ever really sink in that your gone.
You'll always be in our hearts.
We all love you and will miss you everyday,
until we get to see you again!

love & miss you!
