I enjoy hitting & kicking things, people, and pets. High calibre firearms are always fun as along as I'm in a target rich environment. An ample supply of high explosives is always a good thing too!
I’d really like to have a nice little sit down with Gandhi, the Dali Lama, the Secretary of the Treasury and Osama Bin Laden. First, I’d smack the living piss out of Gandhi and the Dali Lama and tell them both to knock off the nonviolence pacifist crap! Then I’d smack the piss out of the Secretary of the Treasury and tell him to leave my F#&$ing money alone! And for Osama, well I’d feed him 10 pounds of bacon at gun point. Then I’d blow his brains all over Gandhi and the Dali Lama, just so they get my point about the pacifist crap. After that, I’d turn in his carcass for the reward and throw a party.
I enjoy music that causes headaches. If the music causes you pain, chances are that I like it. If you are bleeding from your eyes, ears and nose, then I'm really having fun!
I only watch infomercials. That's it. Nothing but infomercials. I am the proud owner of four different home gyms, the magic bullet, the Jack LaLanne Power Juicer and a 20 disc collection of the World's worst love songs.
The Ogre has no heroes. The Ogre is a hero, He's your hero! There are no others!