your never ending nightmare.. profile picture

your never ending nightmare..

About Me

-im actually 14 -ill be 15 on July 19th -im a freshman at fitch -i hate school -im in the marching and conert bands -my friends are the most important thing to me -dont piss me off -im not a prep,cheerleader,"punk",goth, just myself -i listen to just about anything except country -im a very predictable person -im not smart -i love clowns..theyre awesome -i dont like a lot of people -if you really know know im not a quiet person -..or a very neat and tidy person -cell phones and computers are god -my favorite colors are pink blue and green :] -im obsessed with roller coasters and theme parks - i used to have a huge obsession with Johnny Depp -ive done just about every sport -i hate spiders and bugs -im a vegetarian -my parents are in the middle of a divorce

My Blog

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