Great Britian profile picture

Great Britian

Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a B.

About Me

Don't even bother trying to get a hold of me on this thing cause I'm never on. I logged in today 5/22/07 so don't expect that I'm gonna log on till the end of the summer or something. Just text message me or email my sidekick. Duh.

My Interests

Unexpected adventures, car karaoke, swimming after last call, stoopin' it in the summertime, chain smoking, cranberry vodkas or krafts of sangria, dance partners, dance parties, fake meat burrito grandes, Taco Bell mild sauce, scraping the sour cream off my friends plates, blue ink, flat irons, celebrity gossip, taking baths, black and white photography, rep'n Philly hard when I'm in the west and hating it when I'm in the east, wearing the same gray hoodie everyday, the color gray, shopping sprees, listening to the same 5 songs on repeat for 3 weeks straight, making collages, making things with my hands, replaying memories in my head, gold jewelery, photo booths, guitar hero, anything pretaining to Russia, those mysterious 3 toed creatures who truly are the unsung heroes of the animal kingdom, coffee coffee coffee, sunshowers, sidekicks, and Saturday nights.

I'd like to meet:



Ciara, Rihanna, and Beyonce.


Trainspotting, Female Trouble, & Desperate Living.


CSI and any reality based show.


R.D. Laing "The Politics of Experience" and "Be Here Now".


Mink Stole and Stevie Nicks.

My Blog

Possum, My Possum

If I didn't have photographic evidence, the fact that a man was feeding his pet possum (who was not attached to a leash or anything) stir fry chinese food down by the Westlake Center, would be preceiv...
Posted by Great Britian on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 08:50:00 PST

Texas Justice

TEXAS is a state located in the Southern and Southwestern regions of the United States of America. With an area of 268,581 square miles (695,622 kmĀ²) and a population of 23.5 million in 254 counties, ...
Posted by Great Britian on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 03:28:00 PST

Yakima: The Palm Springs of Wasington

Yakima really is the palm springs of Washington.Shey, Mika, and I took a little roadtrip east of the city the other day. Here are some pictures. I cannot guarentee that they are going to be so excit...
Posted by Great Britian on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 05:33:00 PST

Kriss Kross Will Make Ya.....

Jump, Jump.I didn't know which one to use as my default pic and I liked all of them, so I'm posting the rest here....
Posted by Great Britian on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 12:36:00 PST

SD NOV 2006

Michelle and I decided to DRIVE down to San Deigo for Thanksgiving this year. Yes, all 21 hours of it. Here are some of the pics.In the car. There wasn't a whole lot to do other than sing along to ...
Posted by Great Britian on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 07:53:00 PST

Rollerskating is Socially Akward and Playing in the Industrial District is Dangerous

These pics are from a while ago.I had forgotten how socially akward rollerskating rinks are. Even now that these crooked toothed kids aren't my peers.....AKWARD!!!! Anyways... here are the pics.(Sor...
Posted by Great Britian on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 07:37:00 PST

Its Quiet in Anacortes

Michelle and I drove up to Anacortes Washington last weekend with no apparent purpose.There was an arts festival on Commerical Street. They had many tasty temptations like strawberries on sticks and ...
Posted by Great Britian on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 05:59:00 PST

San Deigo RULES!!!!!

Here are some pictures from my recent trip to beautiful San Deigo California. I had never been to California before, and had never seen the Pacific Ocean. It was magical. Truly.On Thursday night whe...
Posted by Great Britian on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 05:25:00 PST

Take Yr Hotdog and Shove it up Yr Bun

Here are some pictures from last nights summer beach party 2006 at Golden Gardens. My crew for the evening was Gina, Bre and Cyn. Triple Word.Bre was really into the charcoal. I don't know if you c...
Posted by Great Britian on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 06:42:00 PST

3rd Quarter Goals

3rd Quarter Goals:Learn to cook salmon on a grillWash my hair at least twice a weekWear sunblockStart saving moneyKeep all my agreementsHave more compassionHave better eating ettiquetteRead "Be Here N...
Posted by Great Britian on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 05:03:00 PST