Rixsta profile picture


About Me

Who would like to travel europe with me ? playing guitar singing being in the arms of nature! musicians, drummers singers, spiritual peoples are all welcome to join me! This will be a backpacking trip low budget my experiance with this type of thing has been on a few occasions 2 or 3 week backpacking round england ..europe being intirely diferent sounds like a good challange!! There is no planned return date but leaving before the summer 2008if that sounds good to you send me a messege! .... anything is possible!.....From Ringwood Hampshire .. iv'e been playin Guitar for about 7 years and singing most of my life .. i never practice any of my songs ..if i practice they would be better i usualy record a song the same day i make it up ..and then forget about it. Theres so many Briliant musicians out there i just hope they get to be heard and i hope one day i can join or start a band to make great music! ... Respect and Peace to all those who care about this world .. Cheers ..... Note: all my songs and demos can be downloaded for free!!!! at the link on the left :) ...........

My Interests


Member Since: 05/06/2006
Band Website: http://www.lusyd.co.uk/Bands/Rixsta/Rixsta.htm
Band Members: Rixsta one man band LOL

My Music on RYM .. I like hard rock, classic Progressive jazz, Soul, Funk, Blues and so on big fan of 70's rock stuffhttp://rateyourmusic.com/~Rixsta ..At the moment im crazy about music from{{Aussie Zealand}} --- Billy Thorpe and the Aztecs, Blackfeather, Buffalo, Carson, Dragon(Scented Gardens for the Blind), Kahvas Jute, Southern Cross, Levi Smith's Clefs, Zoot{{Belgium}} --- Irish Coffee, Waterloo{{Denmark}} --- Midnight Sun, Cinderella, Sensory System{{Finland}} --- Elonkorjuu{{France}} --- Dionysos, Saint Preux, Sandrose{{Germany}} --- Agitation Free, Birth Control, Epitaph, Frumpy, Nektar, Satin Whale, Out of Focus, Lucifer's Friend, Twenty Sixty Six and Then, Scorpions{{Norway}} --- Hades [NOR, 70's], Popol Vuh [Popol Ace], Høst, Ruphus{{Sweden}} --- Kebnekaise, Trettioåriga Kriget, Kvartetten Som Sprängde{UK}} --- Blodwyn Pig, Black Cat Bones, Beggar's Opera, Cressida, Camel, Clark Hutchinson, Colosseum, East of Eden, Gracious, Hannibal, If, Keef Hartley Band, Pipe Dream, Principal Edwards Magic Theatre, Stonehouse, Tonton Macoute, Warhorse{{US}} --- Blind Melon, Cactus, Demian, Grand Funk Railroad, Granicus, Gypsy, Hammer, Stepson, Sir Lord Baltimore{{yugoslavia}} --- Dah [YUG], Korni Grupa, Smak, Time, Drugi Nacin, Oko, Yu Grupa, Pop masina, September [YUG], Leb i Sol{{Jazz-Rare Groove, Funk}} --- Harold Alexander, Art Blakey, Donald Byrd, Charles Earland, Ebony Rhythm Funk Campaign, Weldon Irvine, Magnum, Horace Silver{{Latin, Spanish whatever}} --- Chango, Conexión, Iceberg, Santana, Sapo ...{{African}} --- Hugh Masekela
Sounds Like: nektar Incubus Santana warhorse deep purple Blind Melon hendrix led zeppelin Wishbone Ash Scorpions
Record Label: Blue Room Records

My Blog

Goodbye to My Father

Today we said goodbyeinside i knew my heart took me someplace else far awaybut in this moment of leaving i saw deep into your soulus knowing we might not see each other for a long timebut a glace into...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 15:48:00 GMT

Letter to the universe

Sometimes when im inspired  i try to write :) Oh life in the many way's you touch melike all the sounds one musician could ever play!more colors than i can ever imagine!am i really to understand ...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 05:23:00 GMT

Download Rixsta Demo's!

The Best of Rixsta or Demo's can be downloaded here! http://www.lusyd.co.uk/Bands/Rixsta/Rixsta.htm For Free :)This is 7 years of Recording!  but the songs i like mostYou may Share the files with...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 11:06:00 GMT

Psyched-out Blues

Im Quite happy with this song so far  ..the singing was improvisedRecorded in the hour i had without disctractionsso im gonna have to work on the lyrics a little.Realy theres too much guitar...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 05:56:00 GMT

No Booze More Blues

Ok so i got to actualy recording some improvised Blues todayI just sat down with the bass guitar and got some drums going on the pcand recorded this bass line.Next was the guitar and i was prety happy...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 15:08:00 GMT