The Sunday Night Kid profile picture

The Sunday Night Kid

The first hundred years are the hardest...

About Me

I'm different from some but the same as the others. I am who I've always been and I'm never the same.I'll squash your butter nuts!Please, if you want to know more about how crazy I am, read my Live Journal. Myspace Layout Maker v2.0

My Interests

I've been going through a period of self creation/discovery recently and alot of who I was has been fading away or evolving into who I am now. My biggest interest right now is myself. Then again, I am a scorpio and prone to narcissism.

I'd like to meet:

When she is good, she is very, very good. When she is bad, she is horrid.


Broken Spindles - Cursive - The Faint - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Fiona Apple - Death Cab For Cutie The Blood Brothers - They Might Be Giants - Thrice - Oakenfold - Coheed and Cambria - Muse - The Killers - The Used - Brand New - Gorillaz - Frou Frou - Air - The Vines - Nirvana - Blindside - Jimmy Eat World - The Mars Volta - Sterogram - Vendetta Red - Postal Service - 30 Seconds To Mars - 5,6,7,8's - Panic! At The Disco - Pink Floyd - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - The Academy Is - Múm - The Early November - The Postal Service - The Exies - The Cranberries - My Chemical Romance - The Bravery - Sigur Rós - Neon Zoo - Goldfrapp - Daft Punk - Deas Vail - Sherwood - Ken -


Nightmare Before Christmas - My Neighbor Totoro - Howl's Moving Castle - Memoirs Of A Geisha - Clockwork Orange - Donnie Darko - Jesus' Son - Iron Giant - American Beauty - Boondock Saints - Elephant - The Game - Interview With A Vampire - Kill Bill Vol.1 and 2 - The Last Unicorn - Legends Of The Fall - Muppet Treasure Island - Planet Of The Apes - Party Monster - Neverending Story - Super Troopers - Time Machine - The Triplets Of Belleville - Kiki's Deilvery Service - Star Wars Episodes 1-6 - Rocky 1-6 - Twister - Adaptation - Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang - Sweeney Todd - Ratatoiulle - X-Men 1-3


Will and Grace - Fraggle Rock - Dinosaurs - Aquateen - Family Guy - CSI: Miami - Law And Order: CI - The Office - Star Trek - Invader Zim - Angry Beavers - Myth Busters - Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends


The Cobra Event - Animal Farm - The Harry Potter Series -


Mommy and Daddy. They have always been and always will be my heroes just for being my parents. It takes guts to put up with my shit for 23 years. -Bob Ross. His paintings are amazing yes, but just sitting and watching him, listening to his voice... there's nothing better! -Jim Henson. Genius. What else can I say?Rodney Yee. Not only does he look incredible for his age, not only does he have some amazing insight into life and living, not only is he a wonderful instructor...BUT HIS FORWARD BENDS ARE AWESOME!!!

My Blog

I don’t know where I am...

23.  There's still more to me to figure out.
Posted by The Sunday Night Kid on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 03:14:00 PST

My new babies!

So I love animals, right? Especially the little rodent type animals. So I went out and adopted two more little rodent types, rats. They are the cutest things I've ever seen! And they have so much ...
Posted by The Sunday Night Kid on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 02:53:00 PST

Life works in mysterious ways...

Two years, gone.  Just like that.  And it's been tough, I gotta tell you.  But I've learned over my 22 year existance, that 1: Everything happens for a reason and 2: Nothing stays bad f...
Posted by The Sunday Night Kid on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 01:28:00 PST

Work is only fun when you don't work.

"That's not funny, funny's having a party upstairs.""No, I talked to funny last week, he said the party's cancelled."Questions?  Just ask.
Posted by The Sunday Night Kid on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 11:42:00 PST

If these blue eyes were blind...

As I lay in my bed, warm and comfortable, the sun streaks through the leaves of the tree outside my room, and paints my face beautiful colors of summer.  It warms me and soothes me.  These p...
Posted by The Sunday Night Kid on Fri, 18 May 2007 03:41:00 PST

My graditude...

There's someone out there that I need to thank for being there for me.  Their name isn't necessary, but they know who they are...
Posted by The Sunday Night Kid on Thu, 03 May 2007 09:55:00 PST

Crazy things...

So the boy and I just had a pretty weird conversation online.  It felt like we were together again.  It felt like I was home again.  I know we're both hurt, and I know we should take so...
Posted by The Sunday Night Kid on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 03:56:00 PST

My only wish...

If you see the boy I used to have, will you tell him I miss him?
Posted by The Sunday Night Kid on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 11:47:00 PST

They say time heals all wounds...

It's so hard to say it's over.  When you've been with someone for so long, two years, two months, it's so difficult to just wash your hands of it all.  I still care about him, I really do an...
Posted by The Sunday Night Kid on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 04:20:00 PST

The celeb I look most like...

Posted by The Sunday Night Kid on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 08:23:00 PST