ANTHONY HOPKINS!!!! That guy kicks ass...."Hello Clarice" *giggles* I'd even love to meet Willem Defoe--can't tell me he's not rad. Or either of my other favorite actors, being John Malcovich or Johnny Depp.
I love rock. I was raised on it. I'm talking about classics like Hendrix, the Eagles, Clapton...As I got older, I maintained my admiration for the good stuff, and added newer tastes like The Bled, Atreyu, Poison the Well, etc. But, I'm not one to turn down some hip hop...a lot easier to dance to, anyway!
American History X, Fight Club, Zoolander, Requiem for a Dream, Anchorman, Wedding Crashers, Moonstruck, Roman Holiday, The Island, Top Secret!, Waiting, V For Vendetta, Naked Gun 33 1/3, Liar Liar, Kung Pow, Revenge of the Pink Panther, The Goonies, Drop Dead Fred, Talladega Nights, Some Like it Hot, American Pie, and all of the other stupid-humor, gross-out movies
Don't have time to watch it...but I make a point to take time off on Sundays for football. Oh! And anything that makes me Family Guy, for instance.
Anything Dostoevsky, though I love the Crime and Punishment especially. I also like Edgar Allan Poe. OH! Cannot forget Chuck of Choke and Fight Club.
I've been relatively self-sufficient my entire life, so it's hard to say that I have one hero. If I had to say I had any, strangely enough I admire those whom I knew the least. Both of my grandfathers were amazing people--war heroes, family men, stately and respected. One of them I had only known for a short while, the other I would give anything to have met. I'd like to think that I can carry on their legacy through any of their wonderful characteristics I may have lucked out in getting.