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HOLA!!! My name is Britney!! Well, what can I say? I just finished my first year of college...and man, it was alot of fun! I had more fun my freshman year than I did all throughout high school (crazy huh?) I have been thru alot in my life. However, one thing I can say is that it has ALL been worth it! Life is full of ups and downs and its not meant to be easy to go thru. Right now im just tryin to pursue my dreams. They seem pretty hard to reach right now but im not gonna give up.One thing I can say about life is that it crazy. You got people who like you and who don't. Bad and Good things have an inevitability of happening. HOW DO YOU LIVE? I KIND OF LIVE A LIFE OF INDIFFERENCE...NOT ALLOWING THE PETTY THINGS TO AFFECT ME, TAKING THE GOOD IN WITH THE BAD...AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, KNOWING THAT GOD WILL NOT GIVE ME MORE THAN I CAN BEAR.