Juicy♥Fruit™ profile picture


Looks grab attention but it's the personality that keeps you holding on

About Me

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-I'm Sarah Marie
-18 years old Criminal Justice major.
-I have been though so many incidents as a child to a young adult where I stand today, even though many of those weren’t good I would never want to take them back because they made me who I am today.
-I have a rare/unique personality which i know you'll love. I dared to be different and it has paid off in many ways.
-There is Only One me, someone can try and be like me or someone might remind you of me but no one is excatly like me. So If you know me you know I am very different then many other females.
-I believe life is a place to challenge ourselves to prove we can do something we put our minds to.
-Adorkable, Sweet, Outgoing, Down to earth, and caring are just a few things that discribe me.
-No matter what happens in my life I will always put others before myself.Why? Because I care and respect the life of others, even if I don’t like you I still respect you as a human being.
-Yes I have been stabbed in the back, lied to, cheated on, hurt badly, but I try not to let that get to me. I feel It has made me a stronger individual.
-I do not take crap from anyone.
-I tend to stay to myself a lot so I do not have to deal with stupid people and their drama. I'm way too old to deal with that. Hell I never even liked it when I was younger.
-I’m not the prettiest and thinnest girl but I’m very grateful for what I have in my life and I will never take them for granted. You can lose something deary to you in the matter of seconds.
-I might be nice and caring but I do have trust issues, been like this for years. I do trust many people in my life. Trust is a very important thing to me. You break my trust you might never get it back.
-When I’m told to look back at my life and say one quote about my life I would say “Sweetie, you can’t break the girl who has heard it all, seen it all, and dealed with a whole lot of bullshit in her life, but yet she still comes jumping back for more, The heart of a lover and Fighter.”
-As for my current Status. I’m taking things slow with a wonderful, sweet and amazing guy named Dion (Cutiepants)♥
-You might think I’m crazy or plain out werid for taking things slow with a man, but personality Dion means more to me than he thinks and I care deeply for him. I have never cared or loved someone as the way I do for him. He’s been though so much and I wish I could take all his pain and worries away but I can’t. I’m very proud of him for overcoming many obstacles and for hanging in there and not giving up on himself and on myself as well. He has changed my life. He might not think that but he has. I have a greater perceptive on life and I’m much more comfortable with myself. So as you can see I’m not going to ruin a great thing I have by forcing him to do something he doesn’t want to do or is not ready for. When he’s ready he will tell me and we will move on from there. So on that note sorry guys I’m perfectly happy and fine with Dion.
-If you don’t know me, I do not judge others, lie, cheat, do drugs, drink, or smoke. Its my preference and I like it. Don’t like the fact that I’m too honest and tell you exactly how I feel or I won’t go out partying with you then back off. I never asked you to bother with me anyways and I don’t need you in my life.
-I have been told in the past that I’m too smart for my own good or I’m not a “fun” person. Well you can have your opinions that’s fine you have all right to them. If you do want to say that because I know what I want in my life and I’m a very mature non drama person then go ahead I’ll just call you stupid and tell you to grow up.
-I do not believe in second chances. I feel if you truly cared you wouldn’t have fucked up so bad in the first place.
-I love all kinds of people. I can understand others. Not liking someone because of their race,orientation,religion, or whatever really pisses me off and is so childish.
-Yes I’m still young and I’m not perfect. I do make mistakes. No one is perfect. But I learn from those mistakes and live on. I never give up on something that I truly care about.
-If you want to talk to me. You can. I don’t bite :)

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:


~Daughtry~Crossfade~Nickleback~Godsmack~P.O.D~Fort Minor~Bon Jovi~Paula DeAnda~Whitesnake~Metallica~Mary J. Blige~Shinedown~Bone thugs n harmony~10 Years~DMX~Juvenile ~Vertical Horizon~Frankie J~Etc....


Everyday People / Chinese Zodiac /SOAT / Brass Knuckles Flawless / IceCream Party/ FUZ DUCKIE / DARK KARNIVAL / Disney Beauty / 13th Floor / Famous Strawberries


~CNN~Lifetime~CSI~Law and Order


five people you meet in heaven


My Mom
My Brother
My Sweet Dion
Mainly my sweet Dion. He has showed me so much. For the first time in my life I'm happy, appericated, cared, and loved for me. He means so much to me and I don't know what I would do without him. One person can change your life and I will always be greatful/blessed to have him in my life. I wuv him :)

My Blog

Do you really match your birth month??

JANUARY * Ambitious and serious * Loves to teach and be taught * Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses * Likes to criticise * Hardworking and productive * Smart, neat and organised * Sensiti...
Posted by ♥DUCKIES on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 04:25:00 PST