~*Qw3$H@!*~ profile picture


To Tha Hata's That Keep Tawkin, Yall' Makin Me Famous! *Thanx! Im Luvin The Attention!* ~*Qw3$H@!*~

About Me

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ABC of Me
The Letter A
Are you available?: Yea
What is your age?: 16
What annoys you?: Peoples Mood Swings
The Letter B
Do you live in a big house?: I guess it kinda is
When is your birthday?: September 26th
Who is your best friend?: My Mommy & Ashley Miler
The Letter C
What's your favorite candy?: Starburst and Blow Pops
Who's your crush?: None of your business
When was the last time you cried?: I dont remember
The Letter D
Do you daydream?: Not really
What's your favorite kind of dog?: pretty much anykind of puppy
What day of the week is it?: Saturday
The Letter E
How do you like your eggs?: Scrabbled
Have you ever been in the emergency room?: Yea
What's the easiest thing ever to do?: Sleep
The Letter F
Have you ever flown in a plane?: Yea
Do you use fly swatters?: Yea
Have you ever used a foghorn?: No
The Letter G
Do you chew gum?: Yea
Are you a giver or a taker?: Both
Do you like gummy candies?: Not really
The Letter H
How are you?: Im jus wonderful
What color is your hair?: Brown w/ Gold Highlights
The Letter I
What's your favorite ice cream?: Cookies & Cream
Have you ever ice skated?: Naw but i want to
Do you play an instrument?: No
The Letter J
What's your favorite jelly bean brand?: Dont have one
Do you wear jewelry?: Yep
The Letter K
Who do you want to kill?: Nobody
Do you want kids?: Naw not really
Where did you go for kindergarten?: Irisburg Elemetary
The Letter L
Are you laid back?: Yea most of the time
Do you lie?: I try not to
The Letter M
Whats your favorite movie?: Too many to name
Do you still watch Disney movies?: Yea all the time
Do you like mangos?: Idk i neva ate one
The Letter N
Do you have a nickname?: Qwesha
What is your real name?: Miqwesha
Whats your favorite number?: 22
Do you prefer night over day?: Yea
The Letter O
What's your one wish?: To Be Me
Are you an only child?: Nope, jus the only one that lives home
The Letter P
What one fear are you most paranoid about?: Im not sure
What are your pet peeves?: I dont really have any
What's a personality trait you look for in people?: Sense of Humor and Trust
The Letter Q
What's your favorite quote?: "Never Regret Something That Once Made You Smile Cause At The Moment Its What You Wanted."
Are you quick to judge people?: Not Really
The Letter R
Do you think you're always right?: Naw
Are you one to cry?: Not really
The Letter S
Do you prefer sun or rain?: Neitha
Do you like snow?: Yea
What's your favorite season?: All of em'
The Letter T
What time is it?: 5:00
What time did you wake up?: i think around 12 noon
When was the last time you slept in a tent?: Too long ago to remember
The Letter U
Are you wearing underwear?: Yea
Underwear or boxers?: underwear
The Letter V
What's the worst veggie?: Peas
Where do you want to go on vacation?: Hawaii
The Letter W
What's your worst habit?: I use to bite my fingernails
Where do you live?: Draper City *DC*, N.C.
What's your worst fear?: God
The Letter X
Have you ever had an x-ray?: No
Have you seen the x-games?: Once i think
Do you own a xylophone?: No
The Letter Y
Do you like the color yellow?: Yep
What's one thing you yearn for?: A Long Life
The Letter Z
Whats your zodiac sign?: Libra all day
Do you believe in the zodiac?: Idk
Favorite zoo animal?: A Monkey
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Bzoink - The Original Survey SiteYea So... Hey Myspace you've jus viewed the ABC of Me... this be ya gurl Qwesha!!! I jus so happen to be stayin in the Draper area also known as Draper City *D.C.*... But im originally from Logtown! ok so some things you may wanna kno: My full name is Miqwesha Annquanette Smith, yea i kno it's a lil' ghetto, but i Love it cause it's unique, I am 16 years of age and my B-day is September 26th & yes that makes me a **Libra**. I will be attending Morehead High as a Senior this year **Class of 08'**. Well im a light skinned, im short.. im 5'2 and my weight is 128, and my hair is shoulder length, and most dudes would probably say my best physical feature is my Booty, but i always say i dont have one, LOL. ok let me think wut else can i tell you.... Im not a person that likes to say no and i dont like to say sorry eitha, oh and im allergic to silver, except on my fingers aint that weird, so i can wear silver rings...LOL, my skins very sensitive i guess. Next, well my mommy, *I LOVE HER TO DEATH*, but neway she says im conceited but im not, i guess i jus like the attention... umm My favorite color(s) are purple and red and pretty much any bright color, simply cause im a bright person. Speakin of colors i drive a *Red Neon*. Ok so i have my ears pierced, but wut gurl doesn't these dayz and i jus recently got my cartilage pierced... i also have 2 tatoos, one on my right leg and one on my lower back, im goin on 4 cause i want one on my shoulder blade and one right above my ankle on my left leg but idk wut i want yet. Oh yea i dont seem to be one of the easiest people to get along with and i dont get along with too many females cause they like pennies, two-faced and worthless(naw i didnt make that up of course but if you think about it, it is so true). But once you get to kno me im one of the coolest and nicest chicks to have around and i can jus about gaurantee that i am like no other female you've ever met...! Thanx for lookin at my page! and if there's any thing else you'd like to kno about me jus hit me up, Okay? *Hugs! & Kisses! xoxoxo's!*

Get to Know Me

...About You...

Nickname Qwesha
Sex Female
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Brown w/ gold highlights
Height 5'2-5'3
Favorite Color Red, Purple, or any Bright Color
Screen Name ~*Qw3$H@!*~
Your Car A Red Neon
Your Hometown Logtown (Axton,V.A.)
Your Present Town Draper City (Eden, N.C.)
Your Crush's First Name I'd rather not say
Your Grade 12th
Your Style Jus Me... Bright!


Band TLC
Movie Too many, i like "Freedom Writers" but thats probably because of the people i was wit
TV show I dont watch tv that much so i dont really have one
Song Touchin': R. Kelly feat. Nivea
Color Bright Colors
Cigarette I Hate Cigarettes
Pastime Wild'n out and actin' crazi

...Have You Ever...

Sat on your rooftop Not mine but i have sat on a rooftop
Kissed someone in the rain Nope
Danced in a public place Yea
Smiled for no reason All the time
Laughed so hard you cried Yep
Peed your pants after age 8 Nope
Written a song I've tried
Sang to someone for no reason Yep
Performed on a stage Yea
Talked to someone you don't know I do that often
Made out in a theater Naw
Gone roller skating since 8th grade Yep and it was sooo much fun!!!
Been in love Not that i kno of
A near death experience Yea
Sang in front of a large audience It was kinda large

...Can You...

Write with both hands Nope
Whistle No
Blow a bubble Yea
Roll your tongue I dont think i can
Cross your eyes Yea
Touch your tongue to your nose Nope
Dance A lil' bit
Speak a different language Nope
Impersonate someone A lil' bit i guess
Cook anything Im learnin'

...Are you...

Fighter Nope
Smoker Nope
Drinker Occasionally
Stalker Nope
Man eater NO
Man hater I dont hate anyone
Lover Yea
War freak Nope
Heartbreaker I dont think i am
In love Nope
Bossy I can be
Friendly I am once you get to kno me


What is your current mood? Happy
Does your crush like you back? Im not sure
What makes you happy? See'n other people happy
Elaborate on your default photo I was jus takin' a picture and i think in that one i look about 12 years old...
Name one thing you do a lot Look in the mirror
Name someone with the same b-day as you I dont kno anyone
Are you comfortable with your height Yes

...Finish The Line...

If I were a ... Qwesha...which i am and thats all i wanna be
I wish ... I had a job
So many people don't know ... Im nice if you get to kno me
I am ... Qwesha... all day, everyday
My heart is ... Stronger than i thought.
Pet Peeves ... Annoying people
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My Interests

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SHouT OuTs to some of the best people in the world! Many people dont mean that much to me, but to the ones that do, i'd give my life to... i only have a small selection of friends but if your one of those people i talk to on a pretty much daily basis please kno that I Love and Appreciate yal' so much.
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My Mommy! I Love This Woman Wit All My Heart!!! She's always, always, always there for me no matter what. If i didnt have her i'd be nothin. Although we do have our arguements from time to time, we can still act as if it neva happen and without her i wouldnt be able to accomplish a lot in life and i thank her for that so much, nobody can compare to her in my heart. I Love You More Than Words Can Explain Mommy!
Glitter Graphics

My Lil' Tweety Boo... Me and this chick be wild'n wheneva and whereva we can. She's the lil' sista i neva had and we've only known each otha for a short amount of time but it seems as though we've been the best of friends for foreva and i thank her for the times she's been there. I Love You A Lot Ashley!
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This is my nigga Philly aka My Lil' Monkey, i've only known him for some months but it seems like so much longer than that, i enjoy bein' around him cause he keeps me laughin'...he stay doin' somethin' crazi... even wen im not in one of my best moods or im jus havin' a bad day, he always makes me smile one way or anotha, and i appreciate that a bunch because its not enough time in a day to be down and out and he keeps me enjoyin' the worst of days. I Love You A Whole Bunch Philly Head!
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Nay... He means more to me than i think he knows. True enough we've gotten on each others nerves here and there, but we still manage to be friends in the end and he knows no matter what im there if he needs me, and i appreciate him for the times he was there wen i needed him, always keep in mind that I Love You Naquan!
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I've known this nigga foreva and a day, basically since i've been in Eden me and him have been the best of friends, and i can honestly say as long as we've known each other we have never had an actual arguement *WOW*. He's like my brotha for real, we've been on so many trips together from Atlanta to Carowinds to jus being together everywhere...if you seen one, you seen the otha... Even though we dont really hang like that no more we're still jus as close and you can still see us together often, I Love You So Much Tevin!
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She is truely my partna in crime cause we've been through right much together but we got each otha out of it. Unfortunately you're not rite up the street anymore, but we still ride out sometimes and we still keep in touch. I Love You Brittany!
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Quany-Pooh... This is my nigga too, he cool as all. I've heard people say he has his mood swings, but everyone has their days, but even then me and him have always gotten along. If there is a time wen he's mad at me i more than likely kno the reason without him even tellin' me, so i jus look at it like he's lookin' out for me in his own special way, but he's thanked for doin' so. I Love You Much Quan!
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This is my older sista *only by a few months* that i neva had. We've been there for each other, and although we dont hang around each other as much as we use to she knows that im there if she needs me and i kno she's here if i need her and it's appreciated... I Love Ya Charleney Pie!

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I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics


~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ Click here to make Falling Objects ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~ ~*Qw3$H@!*~


God & my momma