"In an art world vernacular, Darren Bader joins the pointed yet poetic, museumoligical interventions of Christopher D’Arcangelo to the cheesy, rank diaristic meditations of Dieter Roth. Punster and prankster, the demon spawn of Julia Child and David Markson,
in a less highfalutin patois, he’s about the only guy I know who one-ups Don Novello’s great Lazlo Toth letters by signing his own name. Taking (so-called) institutional critique apart brick by gold-sanctioned brick, he’s critiquing the world and partying at the same time—Tom Cruise and NASA, stand warned. It’s about time someone tapped Al Qaeda as an aesthetic. James Earl Scones are my new favorite way to start the day." -Bruce Hainley..................................................."F
or a year or so, my fat ideas grew the tiny appendages of empirical reminders and remainders. This foray into less-cinematic sculpture was a pleasant time in my life. Strictly non-iconoclastic (rather Catholic), the resulting [, nearly] imageless book is what came of thoughts about how to make a personal aesthetics shareable." - darrenbader.................................................
coming of age in (the) artghetto: (haskala depletion - depletion imperative) 0 0 5 8): giving tinea cruris to euphoniums, "bird in space"s, and carbodies in large, crowded parkinglots
copyright 2005: Rivington Arms, NY; David Kordansky Gallery, Los Angeles
..............design by jesse willenbring/dairin baedr
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Found in bookstoresNY: New Museum Bookstore (chelsee), St. Marks Books (yeast village), Spoonbill & Sugartown (guillermosburg), Labyrinth (upper west seid)Chicago: Quimby's Los Angeles: Ooga Booga (Ch... Posted by on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 18:06:00 GMT