emma chelsea*
¡G:¡G:¡G:¡G:¡GJuly ¢Ãaby
___________ Hong Kong Power ¡¯
aol: krazyemlala
* photography & interior design...~
volley, badminton & ice hockey,
hibicus & summer,
______ chocolate*, ice cream & kiwi-strawberry
hong kong 852!!
*Simple Plan* + avril + green day + gillian + f.i.r. + yellow card + jimmy eat world
Incredibles!!, Pricess diaries, Harry Potter, skool of rock, freaky friday, parents trap, mr. and mrs. smith...
Harry Potter Series (though still strugglin on finishin da 4th book...), nething abt kid*z roomz & dessertz, ikea maga.
3 ma friendzZz