Capt Paddy Miginty: Head of Chicken Wing Airways profile picture

Capt Paddy Miginty: Head of Chicken Wing Airways

I am here for Friends

About Me

captured by splinter i was brought up in the sewers of jarra with my brothers leonardo, donatello, michelanglo and raphael where i learnt every fighting form known to man, but was systmatically sexualy humiliated by all five as i wasnt a true mutant (if only id cut the other 2 fingers off!). So shunned by both human and mutants i done what all people that are abused do (no not turn into a peodophile you sick fuckers) i strapped on some cheese graters a baking tray down my pance and a nice shiny metal helmat. Yes i became the mighty shredder, oh yes the teenage mutant ninja turtles will rue the day they bummed me..... patrick murray --

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Princess leia and asia argento, a life of rudies with her n fighting zombies is no bad life at all :)Corrupt Detective for JPD (Jarra Police Department), member of the elite...we also have an unstoppable footy team, if ud like to play us get in touch but all injuries u recieve the team will take no responsibility for and we'l hack u some more just for moaning

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