Drop Dead Horse..... profile picture

Drop Dead Horse.....

How will my story end?

About Me

There is too much to say...I'll leave it at that.....
Create your own Friend Test hereI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

music,Long distance walking....
Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com
You Are Fozzie Bear
"Wocka! Wocka!"
You're the life of the party, and you love making people crack up.
If only your routine didn't always bomb!
You may find more groans than laughs, but always keep the jokes coming. The Muppet Personality Test

I'd like to meet:

All the great people who have died....Stop shaving now. Stop the war.

Just like protesters during the Vietnam war, grow a beard as an outward sign of your opposition to the Iraq war and the murdurous policies of the US government.

Beards for Peace


music that takes me away from everyday life.....Like The Beatles,Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd,Sage Francis,Blue Oyster Cult, The Doors, Ac/Dc, Aerosmith, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Foreigner, Iron Maiden,Flock Of Seagulls, Guns N' Roses, Jack Johnson, Jethro Tull, Jimi Hendrix, Johnny Cash, K.C. & The Sunshine Band, Lynyrd Skynyrd,Judas Priest, Marvin Gaye, Queen, Rage Against The Machine, Black Sabbath, The Rolling Stones, Carlos Santana, Steve Miller Band, Anthrax, The Police, Sublime, Red Hot Chili Peppers......and there's a lot more, I just dont want to tell you because im mean like that....


"Man On The Moon", "The Crow", "Brave Heart", "A Beautiful Mind", "Vanilla Sky", "The Truman Show", "Dumb & Dumber", "Planes, Trains & Automobiles", "Lost In Translation", "What About Bob?", "Blow", "Resevoir Dogs" and so on and so on............ mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true"


Animal Planet, Boy Meets World, Family Guy, Discovery channel, Food Channel, Travel Channel, The Adventures of Pete & Pete,That 70's Show....


"The Walrus Was Paul", "The Lizard King", "A Whole Lotta Led", "Andy Kaufman Revealed", "Insomnia", "Demian", "The Magical Mystery Tours", "Down The Highway" and quite a few others.....
Your Element Is Earth
You excel at planning and strategizing.
You could be a champ at chess or Survivor.

Well grounded, you are able to be realistic and rationalize.
On the inside, you have a hard core. It's tough to phase you.

You are super productive, and you are able to think anything through.
Focused and super charged, your instincts are a good guide for your next step. What's Your Element?


Music has always been there for me....I would have to say that Andy Kaufman made me see the world a whole lot differently...and The Beatles...... width="425" height="350" ....START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
100 Crazy Questions
name?: Charles Lyle Haslett....
age?: 19....
friend or foe?: friend.....
happy?: eh....not really....
sad?: a little....
lonely?: hell yeah.....Im friggin bored out of my mind....
angry?: naw.....
bored?: Yes....very......
depressed?: yeah......
what did you do today?: woke up from shitty sleep......
do you like to cook?: sure....
can you cook?: yeppers....
what is your favorite food?: Vanilla Custard Baby food and Sushi.....
your favorite passtime?: High School.....
can you swim?: yes....
do or did you like school?: I didnt like school, but I loved the social life.....miss it a lot...
favorite subject in school?: Weight Training and Drama.....
do you work?: not at the moment....
your job?: to live.....
like to change jobs?: sure....
your favorite thing ?: hanging out with people....
your best friend?: don't have one....
favorite pet?: Tie....miss ya Tie....
married or wish you was?: I don't exactly wish I was married right at this moment, but someday....
happy single?: a little.....it's a change....
children?: not yet....someday...
grandchildren?: fuck, Im not that old yet....
own or rent?: neither....gonna be back in my car in a few days now....so I guess own....haha...
would you like a maid?: for a friend sure....
last kiss and who?: My ex Elena....
can you drive?: I live for driving.....
what kind of car do you have?: a 96' Toyota Tercel....but not any Tercel....The coolest Tercel in exsistence....
ever rode a motorcycle?: no...just on the back of one....I almost fell off...haha...damn Ian......
can you skate?: sure....
ever have a broken bone?: My Big Toe when I was four.....
favorite color?: Green and Orange....
bath or shower?: Shower....
ever caught a fish?: yeppers....
do you like camping?: Love it.....
ever have your heart broke?: ....umm....yeah sure....
last time you went out to eat?: ...few days ago.....
favorite place to eat?: A place with good food.......
favorite grocery store?: Dont have one...they all have the same shit....
do you wear designer cloths?: no....
dress or pants?: Jeans......
do you believe in God?: I believe in a god......
favorite book?: "Andy Kaufman Revealed".....
cake or pie?: Pie....
ice cream or yogurt?: Yogurt....
favorite website?: dont have one....
baseball or football?: Football....
do you like sports?: sure....
favorite sport and team?: dont have one.....
long or short hair?: I have short hair right now, but I like it long....
do you wear make-up?: no....
favorite brand of make-up?: no.....
do you tan or burn?: burn, then tan......
do you go to a tanning bed?: no....
is your hair permed?: what the fuck......
do you dye your hair?: no....NEVER......
favorite hair color?: dont care....
are you a tease?: umm....sure....
a flirt?: umm.....sure.....
do you vote?: yes....
do you like chat rooms?: no....
are you talkative?: very....too much....
favorite quote?: .......I have one in mind......
lake or ocean?: Ocean....
mountain or beach?: both....
are you smart?: yeah.....
do you have a secret?: How did you know?.......yes......
are you good at keeping secrets?: yes.......
favorite ice cream favor?: Cookies N' Cream.....
favorite thing to do in summer?: Hangout with peoples......
stranded on a deserted island with who?: Joe.....
walk,run, or jog?: Walk......
are you a people person?: very much so......
do you wear fake nails?: hahaha......no.....
do you paint your toe nails?: only on Tuesdays.....hahaha no.....
are you an artist?: sure.....
can you sing?: yeah....not good.....
can you play guitar?: yeah.....like shit.....
favorite kind of music?: a little bit of everything......But mostly Classic Rock.....
favorite singer?: Robert Plant and Jim Morrison.....
favorite boys name?: Fuck Head.....
favorite girls name?: Bitchy Bitch.....
do you like your name?: umm....sure....
would you change your name, and to what?: yes.....no.....
if you could live anywhere?: it would be in my Getaway Dream World.......
favorite state in US: South Carolina.....
lucky number?: seven.......
best color for you?: Orange Sunglasses.....
ring size?: who the fudge knows....these are Female questions arent they?
silver or gold?: Silver.....
your dream home?: .....no comment......
birthday wish?: To find.......nevermind.....
are you a dreamer?: yeah.....but my dreams will come true.....
on a diet?: hahaha....kind of....
how many pounds do you want to lose?: I don't want to lose, I want to gain pounds in muscle.....
do you like doing surveys?: sure......Goodnight to all!........................................................ ............................................................ .......................
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My Blog

"gorillas in my sky"

"gorillas in my sky" Money drops Friends do too Coming down to introduce you He enters, he exits So does she Just waiting for me to feel free How about the gorillas in my sky? My sky has too many spoo...
Posted by Drop Dead Horse..... on Wed, 02 May 2007 11:50:00 PST

"MoonShine Mind"

      "MoonShine Mind"   Will there be suicide with a Moonshine mind? The screaming silence that he'll soon find? Thoughts are lurking from behind. Time flying by, can ma...
Posted by Drop Dead Horse..... on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 03:33:00 PST