BUDNUBAC, Cuban Dub brain-child of ROBIN TAYLOR-FIRTH (aka BudNubac), long term co-conspirator with NIGHTMARES ON WAX, 'da man' behind OLIVE, YOU'RE NOT ALONE, BACKYARD DOG, BADDEST RUFFEST, SUBMACHENA, PIANO SEGUNDO and producer of MIL I MARIA. "QUE SE YO" (What do I know) the band's debut album from 2004 stills grows and is up for a re-release thru BLANCO MUSIC RECORDS in 2009. BUDNUBAC moved out to Spain awhile back, built himself a studio and has been busy beaverin away on the next album. Its taken awhile as a fair amount of time gets taken up by Robin's on going involvement with NIGHTMARES ON WAX, but at the end of the summer 2009 it was finally finished. It's called "SEE THE SUNRISE" and is due to be released on BLANCO MUSIC RECORDS in 2010, (there's a preview on this page for any impatient heads out there). Personel has changed some too. MIGUEL MIGUEIS has moved out to Brazil and for the foreseeable looks to be stayin, movin on from BudNubac. We wish you well, Miguel. Keep keepin it mad. SIOBHAN GALLAGHER has also left to carry out her solo career. Of those that have stayed, SARA GARVEY (aka Ella May) is still freezin her (metaphorical) nuts off in the UK, but makin regular trips out to Madrid for recordin and stuff, and RAWLE BRUCE finally made the jump and as of Spring 2009, now lives out in Madrid. The big news is that international percussionist SHOVELL (M-PEOPLE, PACHA, DEFECTED) has joined the project. He's been puttin some extra life into the rhythm side for the new album and addin his own special sunshine with some of his inimitable vocal ramblins. He's also makes his first vocal moves as a singer on a tune called "PASS ME THE RUM" Buds also come thru on the promised surprise appearances from a couple of his new Spanish compatriots but for now, all details are under lock and key. Finally just to say Many, Many, Many, Many, Many Thanx for your interest and continued support. Much lovePs: keep checking this page for the reworks of tunes from QUE SE YO.