Aggiungi al mio profilo | altri Videowuming - ghost track Album Rancore - Rifiuto
Aggiungi al mio profilo | altri VideoRancore was formed in winter 2002 with a stable line-up (Singer, guitarist, bassist and drummer), all coming from the Roman area and from other experiences with bands of the local scene. After reharsing together a few times, they started working on their own music. After some live appereances, they start working on their first four-tracks demo. With those first own songs and some covers, the band starts a long period of live shows during which the band plays several shows in Rome, at times in bars and pubs and at times in community centers which is are places way more familiar for them. In may 2004, they start working on their first full-length of 16 tracks entitled "Rifiuto" at the Outer Sound Studio owned by Giuseppe Orlando, and the first distribution goes through Hellnation Recordstore in Rome. In December they play at the "Questa è Roma mica... 2", punk-hardcore events during which they play with the major acts of the Roman scene. Thanks to their meeting with Andrea Brancatelli @ Raged Records in Rome, in 2005 the band records a cover of "Janie Jones" that will be featured on a double CD tribute to The Clash that will be out soon and will feature a lot of italian bands that at the same time join Raged Records' family, an independent Roman record-label. MyGen Profile Generator
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