Member Since: 04/06/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:
kenneth j keifer, jr. microphone destructor
karl a haikara: ravaged flesh and cigarette burned vocals
dane h bernhardt: jack the ripper
Influences: These Are Our Band Influences:
Joy Division, David Bowie, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Swans, My Dying Bride, Suede, Manic Street Preachers (The Holy Bible), Mogwai, Burzum, Xasthur.
These Are Our Very Special Personal Influences:
K. Keifer:
currently: lifelover, xasthur, the cure, joy division, my dying bride, covenant, katatonia, carpathian forest, depeche mode, morrissey, and your mom.
K. Haikara:
(a sampler of my head right now:) dead can dance, striborg, burzum, borknagar, forest, branikald, raven dark, deathspell omega, my dying bride, empyrium, nagelfar, ulver, carpathian forest, emperor, wolves in the throne room, blut aus nord, veles, graveland, primordial, summoning, abigor, shape of despair, finntroll, moonsorrow.
D. Bernhardt:
David Bowie, Ladytron, Bjork, Sisters of Mercy, Depeche Mode, Ohgr, Shiny Toy Guns, John Wiliams, Brian Tyler, Howard Shore, Men Without Hats, Smashing Pumpkins, Rasputina, Air, The Beatles, Ray Manzerak of the Doors, Danny Ellman
Sounds Like:
Record Label:
Type of Label: Unsigned