Clypsana Soleodon was born on the planet of Sagetrowa. Her father was a worthless drunk and her mother a useless piece of trash. At the age of 9, she ran away from home. She struggled out on her own but soon came under the good graces of a much older man, Lord Valdedro. She became his slave and loved it. He taught her all he knew about the Force and the Dark Side. She strove to reach the highest point of her abilities until she became as powerful as her Master. It was not long though before the Dark Side consumed her. Her Master tried to stop her from becoming more powerful then he, and thusly, his head now lays in the bottom of a ravine on Tattooine. Clypsana now travels in her Master's ship. She found out that her Master had barely any power at all, she now saw it fit to seek a Master to teach her how to harness the true power of the Dark Side. She met Darth Saalis and he seduced the vixen into being his faithful, lustful apprentice. He then disappeared and now she is on her own again, looking for any who can grant her knowledge and power. She seeks to learn the full power of the Dark Side...and she will kill anyone who stands in her way.My Sisters of the Prophet gave me my ships. I like to blow shit up.