I am a crazed lunatic with plans for world domination via the awesome power that you puny mortals call "Cheese". I am infatuated with movies, comics, books and, in short, good stories. I am a sucker for a good plot no matter what the story. I am a PC gamer of all kinds, command and conquer, man hunting, militery prep, and well the killing usually holds my interest as well.
I am also a very big vampire-dragon-book-comic-heavy metal nerd. Yes I believe in my heart of hearts that we are all nerds, well the people with any ounce of passoin anyway. The drones or "media" are a different class in and of themselves. Much like Mormans and Christianity. If you are offended by that statement consider this; there are over 200 different denominations of mormanism! Make a bloody choice already!
Ok off the subject of death, or back on it whichever your "reference frame" happens to be. (So sayeth the almighty Mr. Runyon, it's a physics thing) I ride a motorcycle and would do nothing else if I could. No, I don't ride a sport bike I ride a cruiser. My baby just happens to be a 1996 Vulcan Classic with 805 beutifull cc's. Appart from the life of movies books etc. I enjoy telling stories. I am not a writer but a verbal story teller. I don't know why but when it comes to writing down my thoughts its seems as if a black hole just appeared in my mind and is holding all of my beutifull thoughts in a quantum singularity. Well that is all for now.I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!