Well lets see..... rocks lovem there perdy, shells same as the rocks, random shit ya know like beer tops they make great ear rings, colorful things, my dog, my cats, hell just animals... ummmmm GRUMPYBEAR, having fun, making stuff out of junk, making stuff in gerneral, drawing, playing with clay, Jumping, screaming, in other words acting like an idiot, being loved, loving someone, Laughing, someone that can make me smile for more than 5 seconds,being held, music, art, and well..... ummmm.... much much more..... like being with my friends....
People to talk to that are just as overly goofy and energetic as I am. Some one to talk to........ thats always a good thing..... some one new so if I dont know ya its you....
I like what i like and thats what i like.....
hit me with your best shot... maybe i will like it... i like movies but i have problems sitting and watching them....so ya there you go Ill watch part of it and the other part i will be walking around fiddling with shit....
I read what i want.... i like Anne Rice and Robert Frost
Fuck the heroes they are nothing but let downs, fuck the lovers they are nothing but lies, fuck the friends they blow away with the wind, fuck these tears they are just visible pain. fuck this all i gave up on you along time ago.